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Alright, suggestions are open for scenarios (mini sequences or individual pics) depicting these two going against each other, with a clear winner or ending up in a draw.

This time we are looking for WG and/or Inflation scenarios (eating contests, inflation contests, who pops who, who ends up being the biggest, fat giants, sumo battles, etc).

Winners will get at least for posts based on your suggestions.




An eating contest where Jessie rains supreme with her big belly, the girls stuffing themselves in arena with a large would be interesting Another would be a colossal sumo battle where the girls duke it out Last one would both of them being bottom heavy trying to do activities while arguing with each other


We need some more buff fun. Although I do like the idea of converting fat to muscle and vice versa at the same time.


beauty contest that who's has the best hourglass body Jessie have water pokemon and Doronjo there chest and butt increase. they demand more until they belly grown. both of there bodies are in Uber until they both pop and end with a tie.


Sumo Wrestling March where they're trying to win the prize money and they both ring themselves out and neither one wins.

Yellow Thunder

Maybe some Uber inflation or puffkiss


Scuba Sabotage: The pair each adjust a scuba tank meant for the other, both unaware they have the same plot. One starts to inflate, the other following suit.


Breath holding contest: the two take in as much air as possible to see who’s able to get the biggest without popping. Their bodies swell up spherically as they get bigger


(Un)Timely Swap: The big screen in the Jester's Kingdom shows what is about to happen to both Jessie and Doronjo: Jessie's about to be turned into a massive smiling balloon, and Doronjo's about to be massively pancake flattened. Both Jessie and Doronjo take issue with this, and each other, blaming the other for what the kingdom has decided. Some of the hands, decide to have a little fun with this, and grabs them both, spinning them around and when they're done, they've completely swapped both of their outfits and hairdos (Jessie now has on Doronjo's outfit and hairdo, and Doronjo now has Jessie's outfit and hairdo). The ladies are confused, but the Kingdom sees no difference and gets to work: So Jessie as Doronjo gets flattened by a massive weight/hammer, and Doronjo as Jessie gets turned into a massive parade blimp.

Bob Bobberson

They start off buff in sumo outfits, wrestling each other in an arena, and then they both eventually get the idea to increase their mass by eating up, eventually converting themselves into arena filling fat women and accidentally immobilize themselves

Scott Fine

Fat kaiju TF battle!

Captain Rocko

Starts with both Jessie and Doronjo trying to break into the Comical Weapons Warehouse at the same time but from different locations. Both are startled when they see each other but Doronjo reacts first by grabbing a blaster from an option box next to her. She fires at Jessie and hits her but instead of hurting her, Jessie starts fattening up. Doronjo looks at the gun and sees it's the fat-tomic ray gun. Now Jessie is a fat immobile blob. Doronjo starts laughing and that pisses Jessie off so she grabs the closest box to her and throws it right at Doronjo. It falls short but opens up to reveal that it's full of P-balloons. Doronjo is confused until she pops one Then she starts inflating. In seconds she's fully inflated but is still growing. The bigger she gets the more P-balloons she pops. Now Jessie's laughing at Doronjo until Doronjo is pushing against Jessie and Jessie now feels another box behind her that has the p-balloon symbol on it. Cut to outside the factory. The 2 have destroyed the factory and are now super inflated and can't move.


Warehouse heist: Doronjo and Jessie are breaking into the kingdoms warehouse. They both see an golden statue and immidiately start fighting over it. During their fighting, Jessie pushed Doronjo against a mysterious cannister, activating it. Its revealed its actually an automatic helium cannister the kingdoms uses for their parades. Its detects Jessie and Doronjo, thinking they are deflated floats. It launches two hoses with both of them entering jessie and Doronjo mouth. Their bodies immidiately start to inflate and swell (first curves, belly folllwed up) as blimps. They start growing too big and are running out of room, pushing into each other. We see them later as two giant uber parade blimps hovering over the beach above the wreckage of the warehouse.


Sumo contest: Both ladies are fighting each other in a sumo contest and try to cheat by using air tanks, the hands notice them and they teach the villains a leason by inflating them to full blast before displaying them outside with words written on them 'CHEATERS' you Break them, you'll replace them: the villains rob a Museum and they accidently break some idols during their heist, the magic changes one into a fat golden idol and the other is inflated into a smiling blimp


Drinking contest: Both women are sat in front of two hoses that'll dispense some form of liquid, be it melted ice cream or whatever. The idea is that it's a gamble of sorts -- they can't see what they're drinking nor how much is left, so they can't rest on the facts as they go. It becomes a game of chicken between them, who's going to give in or burst first. I like the idea that Jessie wins because her wife Delia is in the crowd and flashes her tits, spurring her on like a feral beast, and maybe she finishes at like double or triple the girth of Doronjo with her body threatening to blow, meanwhile Doronjo is at such a lowly size with her navel cartoonishly popped out to show that she's so stuffed she'd blow if she had one more mouthful. And I'm thinking they'd lean toward cartoony "monobutt"/bottom-heavy, wide-legged bloats for this


Weight gain giantess eating contest, but Jessie cheats by eating Gigantamax rice making Jessie a mega giantess BBW and Doronjo a "regular" giantess BBW. And Stuffs Doronjo into a pokeball, or maybe squishes her into the shape of a pokeball.


Bulking to Win: Jessie & Doronjo are given Leotards to work out in while also given a buffet spread to carbo load. In which they use the equipment while eating. Bumping & pushing the other as they take control of the machines. Bulking up muscle & a gut. Eventually both wading out into an area where they're going to fight. Having become giant walls of muscle with an apparent gut bulging out. Beauty Contest: Jessie & Doronjo are competing in a beauty contest. Both wearing some sexy dresses. Though to grab the attention of the judges Jessie inflates herself up getting a big gut which she belts up distributing the mass to her breast & butt. Gaining a lead from this, seeing the Doronjo does so as well though she guts herself with the contestant spread & throws on a belt to get the hourglass shape. Eventually they're T&A are just too large, in which unable to see & bump into each other releasing the belts & both expanding outwards. With Jessie becoming inflated & Doronjo being a fat blob.

john shaw

Water Balloon Bash: The two are hooked up to water hoses and are being filled and inflated with water. Both seem to grow at an even rate until Doronjo starts quivering and pops, her face looking annoyed as Jessie comes out on top. Donut Eating Contest: As the name says, the two of them eat very fattening donuts, growing bigger and fatter with each fight. Doronjo wins by stuffing in one more than Jessie. Balloon Race: Both are inflated except for their heads, hands and feet as the two try to flap away from incoming needles. Ends in a draw as both escape but end up floating around in space. Heaviest: A competition where the two fatten themselves up on two massive scales. Winner is the one who is the most heaviest. Jessie wins as Doronjo stares with a bit of a pout.


Punishment Time Donut Tube (based off a clip from Time Bokan) after both failing a mission given to them by the evil hands, they are forced to eat hundreds of donuts that are being fed to them through pipes, both getting really big till they're nothing but belly


Blow kiss competition until both are stuck to each other and can’t stop inflating each other


Balloon chicken: Whoever is more inflated wins but they have to be aware of their limits or they might pop, they end up taking it far and are at their limits but not wanting to lose they continue to pump until they pop.


I'll give some ideas, though some of them will be similar to things already suggested. I certainly could imagine a bit of fat giantess, especially since neither has had that look happen to them yet. Competition: Regardless of sumo or any kind of wrestling, these scoundrels aren't honest! Something like one pulling out a growth potion that makes her bigger and more powerful, only for the other steal it, and then the two going back and forth feels natural-- and of course they outgrow the ring for disqualification. Thick as Thieves: They're both sneaky crooks so any attempt to work together could be full of backstabbing. Maybe they're trying to steal a huge stockpile of money, but realize they have no means to transport the stolen moolah. So Doronjo crams huge cartoon bags of money down Jessie's throat, making her grow huge and heavy. Jessie isn't happy about this, but turns it around on Doronjo by using something to inflate her into a getaway balloon! Big ego: I don't have a visual on this one in my head... but the two are very egotistical, and maybe somehow their swelling egos make them swell up too! After all, the smaller everything else looks, the more important and massive they themselves would think of themselves. Very "ohohoho" energy! Fat as Felons: Of course, stealing things doesn't have to be limited to just cash. They could be indulging their sweet tooth and trying to hog more of the snacks of a bakery they'd broken into it... and in their efforts to out-eat the other, they almost don't notice the sounds of sirens outside! Uh oh, it's law enforcement! Of course, now they can't even squeeze through the door to escape, the two struggling to fit their bulk through the doorway and blaming the other for this predicament. Worth their Weight: Some sort of situation that rewards them: the more a girl weighs, the more money they get! It could stoke their competitive (and cheating) sides as they do whatever they can to get what will get them massive (and massive amounts of riches). Of course, they could easily overdo it and become to big to even weigh... Sorry this rambled on for so long, I just figured I'd offer my own two cents!

(RJ) Roger

Big Balloon Bad Guy Race: Rivals to the bitter end, both women race to see who can become the largest balloon lady in size and thickness. Sadly their ego gets the best of them and before long get so hugs they simply explode! Slime Surprise: Using the latest in their techology, Jessie zaps the classic villain into becoming a big gooey slime blob! Sadly this meant this big slime girl could have her fun and simply overinflates Jessie into her personal slime bed!

Travis Djuhana

Tongue wrestle: they used their tongues to wrestle each other to see which ones stronger, only to get their tongues accidentally tied together, Jessie swallowed Doronjo, making her the winner.


An eating contest would be awesome!