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Opening suggestions for Inflation scenarios, (Full Body, uber, bloating,etc)

Im taking a break from the "Comic of the week" format but I hope to return to it after this last issue of the Jester's Resort.

So let's hear them suggestions!




Magical backup when trying to cast a spell. Causing her to inflate in various shapes until she's a full blimp :3


Forced slime hourglass inflation to full blimp body slime queen girl tf

Hidden Ability

Trying to lift her lovely GF, but her twiggy ass cant so she uses a spell to try and empower herself. Seems like its working as she gains muscle, but too much magic in her system keeps making her grow and blimp up to a big ol blimp of magic


Wind spell blowback: She tries to cast a wind spell, but she fumbles it, causing it to rebound on her, causing her to expand and Uber inflate.


An exotic vacation (for her at least?) means exotic food! Like the extremely hard to cook fugu fish (or, something that looks like one that lives in the waters around the resort.) The good hands expertly prepare it for her but the evil hands sneak in one small cut or ingredient that mess it up, unknowingly. She takes a bite, not having had anything to eat all day and LOVES it! But it causes her to inflate uncontrollably the more she eats, until she's a big uber balloon before she knows it.


There's a comically oversized beach ball on the beach (duh). She walks by it and her pointy ear pokes a hole in it. She puts her mouth on it to stop the air spraying everywhere only to uber inflate to a massive size


A reference to the episode of sylvester and tweety's misteries: el día de los pussygatos... The cat had a nightmare in which one he is in the hades, where Two kinds of "soles" (maybe the last Two lifes the cat lost before) call him a shame... Then the souls becomes a point that go inside sylvester... Making huge her nose, then they move to the eye, the head, Next the breast, Next the ass, finally make her expand the waist, the belly, the body, and finally It becomes a bomb and bursts... Like the trama of this anime IS like an isekai... The Spirit can be Two lost loves before or the effect of It a food too spicy, split fire and lost progresa in the adventure... And well... The final... Can be that after the boom, all was part of the level... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=R8pF-rW2L5Y&pp=ygUbR2Vvd3RoIHdpdGggZ2VsdHkgc3lsdmVzdGVy


Scuba mishap: Marcille wants to gather ingredients in the sea for her next meal, so she is preparing to dive by hiring an eiving set including an air tank. When hiring the set, the shop owner warns her to be careful around the tank because the valve is a little sensitive. Mercille during enthusiasm after she is strapped up and ready to go, forgot the shopkeepers words and cranked the valve open, accidentally breaking it. A sudden rush of air forces into her mouth, starting with her belly, until all parts of her start to swell and inflate until she starts to resemble a giant flying uber blimp version of herself, flying and overshadowing over the beach.


I feel she bakes a pie following senshis instructions, but the blueberry's in it are tainted for some classic blueberry inflation.


Getting kiss inflated by Falin (no Ubers)

Yellow Thunder

Maybe Uber inflation , black Magic , blowback


Mana overflow mishap? Thinks she's going to need a lot to do all the activities she wants, doesn't want to stop, so she loads up on mana-based energy drink junk. Her body's not used to the overflow, so her gut bloats a little, which she seemingly settles for... but then she feels her sandals pop off, her feet are uber-inflating and it's traveling upward and outward from her gut. Cue her rounding out in all directions rapidly after that, uber-inflated from head to toe and glowing light blue with energy, unable to even wiggle her digits. Could be bonus fun if it happens right as she's in a changing room on the beach, and she's straining the building to its limit by the end.


A bunch of the clown heads escape marcille tries to help but gets bitten and kissed on inflating and getting clowny rapidly until she's just a silly clown balloon

shane oliver

Facing off a giant ice cream golem by eating the entire behemoth one by one causing her belly to expand larger become massively swollen and full.


Resort's Closed - Marcille finds out the resort is closed the hard way when the evil hands inflate her as to send her away. Uber Deflation - Marcille's been uber-inflated (Could be from too much water, air, or helium) and barely manages to cast a spell to deflate her... which ends up working too well and causes to her to be flattened.


She drinks one of those beers based on the skol 360 blowfish commercials were she drinks one while eating and her body blows up spherically with her limbs unaffected. She’s embarrassed and/or surprised that this happened.


Her party needs transportation to carry supplies through the mountains. So, one of them inflates her to size of a blimp and ride her like a parade float with passengers.

Captain Rocko

Uneven Sea urchin inflation... Inspired by the toxic urchin scene in Monsters University, Mercille is seen exploring a cave by the beach. She accidentally steps on a sea urchin and screams in pain. She sees that he foot suddenly swells up and that makes her loose balance. She falls backwards and sits on more of them. This makes her butt swells up as she screams in pain. This concept continues as she tries to run out of the cave, her arm, one of her boobs, the side of her face, resulting in an uneven inflation. She falls down a slope in the cave near the exit but she gets stuck in the exit thanks to her butt. One final giant urchin rolls towards her and sticks her in the butt. But instead of just inflating her butt, it makes her entire body swell up and she now looks like a giant balloon of herself.


Inflacation: Exploring some ruins in the resort leads her to discover an incantation that she tries to decipher, when she finishes the incantation takes effect and begins to compress her into a ball until she begins to expand and ends up in an uber state. P-Meal: While trying some of the food in the resort the evil hands sneak in a contaminated dish decorated with a familiar letter and when she takes a bite it begins with her lower half, she loves the dish but she’s already full and before she goes the evil hands forces the rest down her throat and all her body violently inflates until she is the size of a blimp.


she wants to surprise her friends with a party but she needs balloons so she uses magic to make her body rubber . She starts to hold her breath,she pinches her nose and cheeks blow up . air builds more and more her body starts to expand and her body starts to uber inflate more and more eventually she is huge and ready to the party she hears the dor open and she gets excited and pops into confetti leaving her eyes rolling on the floor like loony toons


Sort of like black magic inflation but the air shifts to as many body parts as possible, first her head, then her facial features, then her bottom for a heavy bottom look? Then her hands, feet, and finally an orb inflation


Best Steamed Big: The group decides that they want to steam some buns, so she uses a rubber/elastic spell on her body and stuffs herself full of dumplings. Then she pours water in her mouth and makes her belly even bigger before casting a heat/fire spell. She full body inflates with steam before blowing it all out along with the dumplings, leaving her flat and stretched out on the floor. You could also add in the rest of the crew enjoying the dumplings but I feel like that may be a bit too much to draw.

john shaw

Undine and Me: Marcille has an encounter on the beach with an Undine, a water spirit. However, the Kingdom's Undine aren't as deadly as the ones she knows as it shoots water right into her mouth, leaving the poor elf waterlogged on the beach. Fizzy Lifting Ale: Visiting the bar, Marcille taste tests one of the kingdoms special drinks. A bubbly ale that fizzies. As she drinks, the fizz of it still bubbles in her belly as she slowly bloats up with each drink until she's a giant balloon with a head, hands and feet, tied to the bar to help promote the drink. Slime Jelly: Marcille tries a concoction called slime jelly. However, she is unaware the smile was still alive as it forced itself into her, causing her to inflate in various body parts before ending with her being uber inflated. Pie Days: Just an end of summer pie day gone wrong when Marcille tries one and ends up turning blue and big.

Hat Nyauka Kid

Delicious with Berries: Marcille watches in awe as a blueberry smoothie is made with different ingredients. After they're done, she's given the drink and due to some magical properties it began to make her turn blue and swell up into either a large bottom heavy blueberry or a full round blueberry with the arms rolling her to the back of the smoothie shack to use her juices to make even more smoothies for other guests.

(RJ) Roger

Marcille has a souflle on the beach but it is so light and airy she simply inflates like a balloon!

Cole Patton

Marcille finds this mysterious potion in the dungeon and drinks it out of curiosity. However the potion causes some unexpected effects and causes to inflate until the point she can't contain it anymore and let loss a huge burp, and causes her to go mostly back to normal with a slightly bigger butt(or boobs).