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This is for a ”comic of the week” format but I’m gonna take suggestions related to WG and stuffing for the scenarios!

Let’s hear ‘em’



Travis Djuhana

Draw her tongue tied with a frog’s tongue by the evil hands.


The good old fashion Feed-O-Matic, a classic.

Hidden Ability

Something something 'Joke about how often Lynne Dies in Ghost Trick' something something 'Lynne Eats chicken like a fucking maniac in that game'


Lynne taking a trip to the Chicken Kitchen and stuffing her face once she tastes their new irresistable sumo-sized recipe!

Captain Rocko

Since she kinda looks like Athena Cyke from Ace attorney, why not have her do the Ice Cream mountain challenge like Athena did a while ago.


Lynne decides to try the chicken from the Kingdom and gets hooked by it's taste so much that she can’t stop eating not noting her body getting fat until when there is no more chicken that her body ended up in a blob state.


Lynne is challenged to eat a long table full of delicious food within a set amount of time. As the countdown starts, she winds up her body all twisted, (that should be possible in this kingdom, right?) As soon as she’s hears “GO!”, she starts spinning as a tornado like the Taz manían devil, across the table, and starts devouring everything, even the table itself. When she crosses the finish line (which she also ate), she ends up big, fully stuffed, and satisfied with her record.


In Ghost Trick there's a chapter where Lynne gets squished by a giant cooked chicken. So instead of getting squished she has a wild take and the giant chicken lands in her mouth and goes straight to her belly, avoiding her death


Reference https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/ghosttrick/images/a/a4/Chicken.PNG/revision/latest?cb=20120123134055


She got sent to hell and is being force fed doughnuts just like Homer did in that one scene in the Simpsons.


I was thinking she could stuff herself or be force fed by the evil hands until she bursts given how often she gets killed in Ghost Trick

Travis Djuhana

Here’s an example of an tongue tied art https://www.deviantart.com/stardude777/art/Tongue-Tied-Monika-and-Junko-1103465159


She stuffs herself without realizing the final bite was a bomb, causing her to burst in an explosion. Then time rewinds back to start