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Yelling at them wont work while they are this angry.

Pauline and Rosie realize that they have to get in there, and separate them before they make an even bigger mess, how?

Theyre gonna fight fat with fat.




As if this wasn't fun enough already~


Yes, I knew this was going happen sooner or later! X3


This is gonna get sexy

markus Mahanen

On dear i have a feeling this is not going to end well

Maxwell Blackburn (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-19 01:59:03 This is gonna end wonderfully.
2021-07-19 01:59:03 This is gonna end wonderfully.
2020-08-19 07:01:40 This is gonna end wonderfully.

This is gonna end wonderfully.

Captain Rocko

I predict that Pauline and Rosalina will get way more into eating and become even bigger then Peach and Daisy. They'll flatten them like fat pancakes and call it a day.


I knew this was coming, but that's not a bad thing!