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It's a temporal effect of course, the flat thing i mean... those proportions are gonna stick with her for a while.



Sonia (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-28 12:58:04 This good
2022-01-28 07:04:08 This good

This good


Super cute~! Love that first panel the most though, good god 😍


What I like about this is that it implies that that’s just her regular size


Damn, I love Kawakami❣️ Hope to see more of her with those curves~ With the comic itself, it's pretty good 👌 It's quite interesting to see that the comic begins with Kawakami already having those beautiful proportions~ Which I prefer, as it somewhat implies that she's just naturally this curvy in this wacky universe. The first panel and the second page doing a great job showing off Kawakami's thick curves. And with the first panel, I like that Kawakami is shown to be annoyed with the hands adjusting her bikini, it shows that Kawakami is still herself despite the outrageous curves. The second panel shows some lovely cleavage and I love the detail of her bra digging into the sides of her boobs, as it helps to show how massive her chest is. Another thing I like of the second panel is the stare she is giving to one of the hands, I don't know why, I just find it really funny. The third panel is her getting flatten, so I got nothing to add there. And I already said it before, but the second page does an amazing job showing off her body~ But I do like the small shakes is giving off, as I interpret those shakes as her trying her best to keep her flatten state intact as the hands take photos of her. Also, I'm happy those curves are staying 😄
