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Festive Kingdom- Cerebella

  • a) Inflatable Gifts 15
  • b) Joy in a box 40
  • c) Xmas Parade: 66
  • 2022-11-30
  • —2022-12-02
  • 121 votes
{'title': 'Festive Kingdom- Cerebella', 'choices': [{'text': 'a) Inflatable Gifts', 'votes': 15}, {'text': 'b) Joy in a box', 'votes': 40}, {'text': 'c) Xmas Parade:', 'votes': 66}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 12, 2, 18, 30, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 11, 30, 23, 15, 2, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 121}



a) Inflatable Gifts: The evil hands give her a special present, a bike pump! and even better they help her to try it on, shoving the hose in her mouth as they start pumping, making her inflate, at first only her torso inflates as the limbs and head start sinking into her own body, but once she’s big enough they give her a good squeeze making the air distribute equally to all her body parts, they squeeze a little to hard as she soon starts to deflate on their grip  killing their joy at first, but they fix it by giving her another gift, a beachball! which they put in her mouth while in her deflated state and inflating it while inside of her, causing it to give her the shape of a huge orb this time, showing their holiday spirit one more time they use her as the bottom part of a huge snowman to decorate the kingdom and spread the joy of the season.

b) Joy in a box: One visit to the kingdom’s toy factory, it's a little frantic due to the season, the hands are so tired and sleep deprived they dont notice what they are doing anymore, they grab her and put her on a production line, later they shove a hose up her butt and start inflating her, it looks like regular body inflation at first but then they move her to the next part of production and cover in a special rubber solution which causes her features to turn more like the ones of an inflatable toy, facial features and clothing looking like they were painted on, once she’s nice, shiny and round they shove her inside a  tiny box (with a lot of effort considering the size difference, finally that box is blasted with some magic, all is left is to do a test, like a jack in a box she pops out now even bigger than before puffed up limbs and inflated breasts bouncing to go along with her balloony bod, as the hands mark her for passing the test, ready to hit the stores.

c) Xmas Parade: She is front and center of the kingdom’s parade, enjoying the attention until she trips and one of the floats (as well as the marching band) run over her, flattening her out, soon they realize they are stepping on her and peel her off the floor, since the parade needs to continue as scheduled, looking for a quick way to restore her, they shove her mouth into a tuba that’s been played by one of the big hands, which blows really hard causing her to inflate quickly and to huge proportions, starting with her bottom half to the upper part and finally her head inflates so big it finally pops out of the tuba, in the final shot we see the hands tied her up and is now using her as a parade balloon for the rest of the event, she doesn't seem to bothered as she’s more the center of attention she was before (body inflation, not uber but still looking rather big).




Starting with some inflation scenarios, I'm planning this month to be more about stuffing and WG (except for the TF poll) because of the season but first we start with the balloons.


Can give us a preview sketches of these 3 polls please.

Junipal Witt

I have to agree, that first part of A sounds so unique and cool, but all the ideas are good!