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Haunted Kingdom- Shanoa

  • a) Voodoo Clay 71
  • b) Franken Babe 15
  • c) Possessive Dispute 36
  • 2023-10-04
  • —2023-10-06
  • 122 votes
{'title': 'Haunted Kingdom- Shanoa', 'choices': [{'text': 'a) Voodoo Clay', 'votes': 71}, {'text': 'b) Franken Babe', 'votes': 15}, {'text': 'c) Possessive Dispute', 'votes': 36}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 10, 6, 18, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 10, 4, 22, 53, 55, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 122}


a) Voodoo Clay: The evil hands pull one of her hairs and mix it with magic clay, to create a tiny doll of her for them to have fun , to demonstrate its power they squeeze it a couple time to make it lose it’s shape and the same happens to Shanoa and we see how she loses her form to become a big blob, the hands then reshape the doll to human shape and hold her in place which of course makes the real Shanoa to stay in place unable to move, they then start adding more clay to the doll to give her more volume, giving her bigger breats, thighs and butt with the same thing happening to the real one as she watches in shock how her body grows, finally they give her meatier lips and blow a little air inside the dolls head which inflates her head turning her into an airhead, concluding their plan of turning her into an hourglass bimbo.

b) Franken Babe: The hands accidentally drop something heavy on her head (causing a toony face) and she passes out, in an attempt to revive her they slap her a couple times (wiltakes) but she doesn't wake up, they then try SHOCK therapy, putting some bolts on her next and passing some electricity thought it at first it only electrocutes her in a cartoony way but desperate to save their patient they turn up the intensity of the shock, causing interesting effects on her body, like stimulating her muscles and making them grow, and supercharge her breasts and butt giving her an thick amazonian body, she finally wakes up and rises but before they can celebrate they realize all that power made her more aggressive and confused so she starts chasing after them about to start a rampage.

c) Possessive Dispute: Two spirits are interested in her for a new vessel, one spirit with huge boobs and the other with a large bottom, they both enter her body by forcing their way in through her mouth at the same time and one there each one take control of one half of her body excluding the head, one controlling the torso and the other the butt with spirit faces appearing  on her butt and breasts, they start fighting over control with the chest spiriti using her hands to spank her own butt and the rear spirit crashing head first into a wall since it’s got control over Shanoa’s legs, she of course is feeling all this, they kick and slap each other until the eventually agree to share the body, with both of them controlling her mind and big hourglass body in peace.



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