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Haunted Kingdom- Luna and Jess

  • a) Night Stalkers 25
  • b) Pantry Massacre 76
  • c) Cabin Munchies 42
  • 2023-10-18
  • —2023-10-20
  • 143 votes
{'title': 'Haunted Kingdom- Luna and Jess', 'choices': [{'text': 'a) Night Stalkers', 'votes': 25}, {'text': 'b) Pantry Massacre', 'votes': 76}, {'text': 'c) Cabin Munchies', 'votes': 42}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 10, 20, 18, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 10, 18, 21, 11, 57, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 143}


"In October of 2023 two women dissapeared into the woods near the Jester's Kingdom while looking for a place to eat... "

Scenario descriptions:

a) Night Stalkers: Luna and Jess terrorize the residents of a village just outside the kingdom, they were lost in the woods for hours and the hunger is starting to mess with their heads, they start to hallucinate and seeing them all as actual food (chicken legs, sausages, hotdogs, etc) so the massacre begins, they go feral and start eating all the villagers one by one moving in the darkness to catch everyone one of them and gulp them down, their bellies begin to bulge until they turn to heavy bottoms, but this is not slowing them down in the slightest, once the entire village is inside their bellies they realize what they did and Jess convinces Luna to ask for help to the kingdom, Luna is reluctant since she really enjoyed her meal but agrees at the end, so in them both resting on their giant guts with the hands stretching out Luna’s mouth and reaching in to rescue all the villagers meanwhile Jess is apologizing to everyone profusely.

b) Pantry Massacre: Evil hands picking the wrong targets again, They both wake up tied up to chairs as the evil hands reveal what they intend to do with them…FORCE FEEDING them until they both pop, Jess and Luna look at each other trying not to laugh or show any enthusiasm cause they are both about to get a free meal, so they start stuffing them and their guts begin to bulge with the hands laughing evilly ,it starts with them pretending  to be scared but soon enough they gain control of the situation as they begin to ask for more food and begin to outgrow their chairs, the tables turn as now the evil hands are scared shitless being trapped with two very demanding fatties, they try to escape but the fat of their victim’s is blocking the exit, they turn to see that Luna and Jess are now looking at them with a menacing aura, at the end we see this lovely glutton couple squishing against each other slurping on a big bowl of noodles…that looks suspiciously like parts and bits of the evil hands.

c) Cabin Munchies: They find a cabin in the woods hoping to find something to eat in there, they devastated to discover there’s no food in the place, that’s when the spirits that haunt the place begin to mess with them, telling them to each other, they are both so hungry they actually start to fight to see who gets eaten first, with Luna shoving Jess completely in her mouth but she break free then Jess tries to do the same but Luna, the spirits just watch an laugh, unfortunately for them the girls soon come up with a better solution, instead of eating each other they can just eat the cabin instead, so they behind chewing on furniture, walls and doors, as their bellies get bulgier and bulgier, the cabin slowly disappears to give way to two grumbling flesh mountains, the girls let out a huge burp that can be heard all across the woods and with a little bit of effort the manage to hug and kiss, as they wait for the cabin AND the spirits to digest.



They'll be fine. Im worried about the others.


These are insanely good, it's a very hard choice.


Come number 3


I love all of these ideas CW🤣