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I did a bunch of sketches of several characters that would make part of this universe. Gamers with different quirks to challenge CG in bizarre bets. In this one she'll face only one though and it's probably the least bizarre of them all cause I just wanted to make it a bit spicy.




Oh she just there and she’s making friends already! I hope she makes lotta more friends in her new wholesome and healthy life! Looking forward for this comic 👍


Kids, that's how I meet your mother

The Hierophant

Will we see bare CG bazongers?


Is there going to be any sex/nudity in this comic?


This is great stuff! I like the world building here. The whole town runs on turbo nerds; I wonder if CG’s mom created the “legend” to draw more customers into the area?


Not sure if it’s just a quirk if LLS’s speech, but in the first panel, “will grant” should be changed to “will be granted”. And in the last panel, “would be fair with” should be changed to “would be fair for”.