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loving dressrosa. DOING 10-12 MORE TOMORROW.


ONE PIECE - Episode 639 - 646 (UNCUT REACTION)


Nicholas Light TV

Ran into upload issues, which is why its uploaded late. My bad yall!!

Miguel Francis

Wait until later with a certain character Nick. Guys if you know you no spoilers obviously


When’s the next Naruto reaction?

victoria t

Chinjao v Lucy is too good


A bull is called ushi in Japanese. So Luffy called the bull Usy, a play on Lucy.


Damn Nick your prewatch skill has leveled up a little too much. Stop your brain.


fr. 90% of everything he's predicted has come true or will come true this arc


normal one piece, dressrosa is 100 more episode to finish.

Flavio Santos

Nick, when u gona see one piece stampede??? its fireee


where is re zero? I've been waiting for two weeks


Yall dont worry, i think re zero episodes are just usually recorded not streamed, and the schedule says reactions will be posted by 9pm est each day. So just a bit longer.

Jonathan Matagiese

Dude you missed it earlier in 645 Kelly funk called someone a dickhead 🤣🤣🤣


2:38:15 so fucking funny bro lol


more and more op! i love this


and he's surprised when they say "prewatched". where the fuck did he get the idea that his "father" and that there are human souls in toys. There's no way you're just randomly saying this at this point. It's not hard to guess things, but we're not even at the point in the story where we can even guess. but whatever XD