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Hi! Morrigan won the theme poll, so here are the options!

Since this theme had much less flexibility for suggesting options (since, well, they're all Morrigan, and she has a limited amount of designs and things to play with), I decided that the Tier 3s will suggest the last 2 options, being crossdressing/cosplay!

I'll make a Tier 3+ exclusive post so you guys can suggest fighting game girls to give her clothes with Morrigan, though you can also start suggesting in the Discord channel! If you don't have any specific suggestions or agree with another one, react/like other suggestions and I'll be more likely to choose them!

Also, since the competition is tough and I think that could turn into suggested ideas not getting many votes in a lot of polls (in the previous one 2 of the winners were the ones I chose myself), I'm thinking of adding a clause of always making the best ranked suggested option automatically win 3rd place unless one of them happens to actually rank 2nd or 3rd, this way I guarantee suggestions do get at least one sketch. I'll give it a try with this one and see how it sticks with future polls.



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