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Ben S

Funny enough Robin Williams starred in “World’s Greatest Dad” where the big plot point of the woman was his son killed himself through auto erotic asphyxiation but everyone around him treats like a regular suicide. I assume it’s Hollywood winking at the camera


I finally got around to playing FFVII Rebirth since the Final Fantasy bonus episode. I thought Dick was joking about RedXIII sounding like a little boy and was shocked to find out he was not. Initially, I thought it would be like a typical Japanese ironic gag where he talks like that around everyone except Cloud, but it's not even that. Stupidest part of the remake, even dumber than the time jannies. I blame women, as a woman probably wrote that part.


Vito Nye the Team Guy stinger had me crying with laughter, I almost got fired from my job at the blowjob factory because it made me spit out the dick in my mouth