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Biggest problem in the universe…trying to take your shirt off when you’re sweaty


Dick didn’t even mention the worst popcorn problem. those weird skins/shells that somehow get stuck behind your front teeth and feel like they are under your gums. your tongue isn’t getting that shit out. full finger in the mouth. great episode


also Vito you wasteful fuck eat the whole red vine. you don’t get to eat “half the candy” until you weigh less than 250 lbs. dick bite both ends off the red vine and then use the straw to drink ginger ale. you’re welcome


I feel like I missed some drama so I tried to listen to the Pod Awful guy several times to figure it out but I just couldn’t take more than a few minutes of his voice. He has too many pauses between words. I’ve grown used to the rapid fire Dick and Vito crazy energy. Even when off-putting and weird sometimes, the Dick and Vito content is highly entertaining.