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  • Episode_153 - audiogram.mp4
  • Episode_153 - audiogram.mp4
  • Episode_153 - audiogram.mp4







Fun fact: last Thanksgiving an Albuquerque man with the same degenerative brain condition as Robin Williams completely dismembered his wife with a tiny pocket knife. Violent outbursts are commonly associated with the condition. Robin Williams was probably made aware of that. All the misery of your brain turning to mush and the knowledge that you'll inevitably attack someone, probably a family member or caretaker, it makes sense he'd go to Greenland.


Vito thinking "capitalism" is responsible for anything is silly. Market economics is naturally emergent and has existed since the dawn of recorded history.


The best part of the show is watching Dick try to educate Vito about basic life things: Flush the toilet to completion, communism doesn't work, be respectful of other people's time (ie. delay gratification and resist the urge to whip out your phone... "does this help the show?" )

David Friesner

Communism is a system of government and ideology that exists entirely to enrich the people at the top. If you don't know this, you don't know communism. If you do know this, and you still support communism, you are evil.


You two have yin-yang comedic genius, the ability to juxtapose opposing absurdities in an amusing way while also making actual jokes.