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Biggest Problem #158

VOTE ON THE PROBLEMS: http://BiggestProblem.Show | SUPPORT THE SHOW: http://Patreon.com/BiggestProblem Show Links: ►VOTE: http://biggestproblem.show ►MERCH: https://killdozer.industries ►PATREON: http://patreon.com/biggestproblem ►ITUNES: http://apple.co/3AG4fGG ►GOOGLE PLAY: http://bit.ly/3jSP32e Dick Links: ►PATREON: http://patreon.com/thedickshow ►THE DICK SHOW: http://thedickshow.com ►MERCH: https://shop.dick.show/ ►TWITTER: https://twitter.com/DickMasterson ►TWITCH: http://twitch.tv/LABasedComedian Vito Links: ►SUPERKILLER: http://superkiller.org ►CHANNEL 1: http://youtube.com/vito ►CHANNEL 2: https://www.youtube.com/vitotwo ►PATREON: http://patreon.com/thevitoshow ►TWITCH: http://twitch.tv/thevitoshow ►TWITTER: http://twitter.com/vitocomedy ►MERCH: http://killdozer.industries


Metal Donut

From AC fights to interest rate hikes.

Kel Maz

From grammars slinging shit to cutting your wife up into bits.

Kidd Cudi

biggest problem: people telling you they are busy... no you aren't you're just lazy


From adjusting the AC up or down to hiding bodies in the ground

Sam D

From high interest rates to burying your mates

Sam D

Biggest problem: everyone thinking they're autistic now

Rhinosaur Jones

from mr beast stopping kids eating pizza to becoming a lifelong slave to visa


Well..I loved this podcast but it seems Vito doesnt give a shit about the veiwers, anyway cant stand that liberal bullshit shit, go fuck girls with dicks I guess. I cant support this shit anymore sorry boys. I bought Super Killer comic and regret it...anyway fuck this shit. Still waiting for that comic..


I didn’t vote, but I’m still upset by the results : getting rid of a body should be cracking top five. I don’t even know where to buy a bonesaw.


I missed the pirate act and watching Vito attempt to stifle the glimmer of hope that this time he might get something good despite his rational brain knowing he won’t.


If you guys did a bonus episode where you just watch late 80s-early 90s ads and talk shit it'd be a fucking hit. Biggest problem in ads.