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  • Episode_159 - audiogram.mp4
  • Episode_159 - audiogram.mp4






Martin O Keeffe

I hate the 24/7 livestream. I think it's fucking dumb, it's cluttering my feed. It's a half baked and poorly executed idea. Vito is obsessed with "hanging out". Everything he wants to do is just to hang out, do bullshit and not be productive. I can't think of a greater hell than hanging out in a chat of 50 losers talking about old episodes of a niche podcast. And the argument that "it's free" is the lowest form of defence. It equates to "I know it's bad, but it cost you nothing". It Should've been a separate channel, and you should've prepared all the videos beforehand. There's a ridiculous amount of things you could be doing with your channel to promote growth. Tailored playlists, edited videos that have jokes spread across multiple episodes. Dedicated live voicemail stream, fan music streams. So much that can be done that fans would want, but you had to do something the Vito way.

Cameron Rogers

Martin stfu and don't watch it then. "Wahh it's clogging up my algorithm-fed list of trash I must consume and sometimes I have to scroll past a thumbnail before getting my next hit"

Cameron Rogers

Some people like it. I do to chuck on in the background occasionally while doing mundane house or diy work and get a chuckle from a moment id probably never have remembered or would be unable to find if I did. Your post is a far more aggressive example of being unproductive than anything Vito does. At least when he's unproductive he's not going out of his way to suck the soul out of everyone around him. GFY

Martin O Keeffe

Hey retard, If you believe avoiding criticism just because others enjoy something is valid, you're advocating for mindless consumption and stifling the very discourse that drives art and culture forward; engaging critically with media is the only tool consumers have at improving it. refusing to critique and advocating other not to critique is beyond regressive. All of this to protect the feelings of a man who's the most criticical of others creative efforts. Vito has now made you the pig and he's feeding you his slop which is sub-par efforts.

Cameron Rogers

What the fuck are you talking about? Your "criticism" is whining about something extra, that's free, that doesn't impact what they were providing previously, that you don't have to consume. Because... it's clogging up your feed. Your fucking lib-like sulking is clogging up my Patreon feed. Buy the shirt and go to Greenland, you sound miserable.

Martin O Keeffe

Why did you engage with me? You're using the same arguments that Vito had, and that I fundamentally disagree with. This exchange is a waste.