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Biggest Problem #162

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Martin O Keeffe

Every time Vito fucks something up he says "I don't fuckin' know, man".

Martin O Keeffe

The funniest part about the comic con video was Vito thinking he was better than those people.


Biggest problem is working the night shift


From electoral college deniers to male pretending liars

Porko Ronkonkomo

From dude culture appropriation to misunderstanding the Federation

Alex Reinhard

I just switched from being a blanket to a pillow man Fuck a motherfuckin blanket. Buy new pillows.


So much funny content in this episode. Good call to make a quick exit at the end when the tone shifted.

Cheese in my pockets Velveeta

Can we stop clutching our pearls when we pretend Vito says something racist when Josh Denny can just say "black people are stupid" and Sean says "me and some white buddies could conquer any given continent". Feels like a teacher giving a lecture at this point

Joseph Mastroieni

Last 30 minutes made the episode, fuck Jonah


Mr. Colorcalibrator over here

Atticus Finch

That’s a quality thumbnail. Worth putting a bitta time into!