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Blart Sampson

Vito I thought you were an eBay guy you can sell all your broken consoles there there is a “for parts only” option set that with no returns and you can sell your consoles without cords most will fit in large flat rate boxes boom liquidate all your consoles the money is in the games anyway fuq consoles get rid of them make room for more games


Jonny >>>>>> Vito. Did enjoy his bit horning in on Sean's absence tho. As if


New bit idea : Everytime Vito refers to dick doing something as "we" you play the i suck cocks audio clip.


Vito's idea of replacing Sean is regarded, but the third wheel idea with Johnny would be amazing!


Vito in the same breath that he says he will make the Dick show more successful completely ruins Dick's hilarious UHC comments bit. I say in the same breath because Vito runs out of it very easily. How about shut up occasionally Vito, you might actually find something funny

David Bland

I honestly stopped listening to the Dick show like a year ago. If Vito were on it I’d definitely start listening again. Out with Sean, in with Vito!