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give me problems and a rhyme!!!


Biggest Problem #169

VOTE ON THE PROBLEMS: http://BiggestProblem.Show | SUPPORT THE SHOW: http://Patreon.com/BiggestProblem Show Links: ►VOTE: http://biggestproblem.show ►MERCH: https://killdozer.industries ►PATREON: http://patreon.com/biggestproblem ►ITUNES: http://apple.co/3AG4fGG ►GOOGLE PLAY: http://bit.ly/3jSP32e Dick Links: ►PATREON: http://patreon.com/thedickshow ►THE DICK SHOW: http://thedickshow.com ►MERCH: https://shop.dick.show/ ►TWITTER: https://twitter.com/DickMasterson ►TWITCH: http://twitch.tv/LABasedComedian Vito Links: ►SUPERKILLER: http://superkiller.org ►CHANNEL 1: http://youtube.com/vito ►CHANNEL 2: https://www.youtube.com/vitotwo ►PATREON: http://patreon.com/thevitoshow ►TWITCH: http://twitch.tv/thevitoshow ►TWITTER: http://twitter.com/vitocomedy ►MERCH: http://killdozer.industries



From people who make too much noise to youtubers making stuffed toys

Sir Troll-o-Lot

From pretentious cops, to basically funk-o-pops.

Atticus Finch

I always want to partake in the rhythmic introductions, but I can never remember last weeks problems, maybe I should smoke less weed, or maybe more weed. I’ll try more weed first and see if i remember next week 👍 Anyway, don’t kill yourselves, or do, I can’t remember what the bit is 🤤

Milk Man

From not respecting the sanctity of silence to smug tickets met with compliance


“I go to the playground and there’s less and less kids.” … ok Vito lol.