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Seed oil disrespecters, Women's tears, Fake mobile game ads, No more comedies




Blart Sampson

Thanks for the early file release fellas gonna make my shift at work more tolerable.

Blart Sampson

also the show just keeps getting better and better KUTGW


Dissapeared from Google podcasts


Neat Dame reference at the start -- I miss that guy.


I hope there's a bait and switch where instead of a star wars themed episode, they do a may day themed episode to revive arguments about libertarianism.

Benjamin Swearingen

One thing Trump never seems to get credit for is North Korea. His diplomacy there shifted the mass’ perceptions that nuclear war was imminent to today where nobody even considers them a threat. And everyone made fun of him for even trying to talk to them at first too

The Robot Engineer

Vito's problem of Women's Tears parallels Maddox's FIRST problem in TBPITU Episode #1: Crying https://biggest.thedickshow.com/episode-1/

Principled Uncertainty

I traded my Kevin Brennan Patreon for this, seems like a sound choice. Kevin has taken to erratically dropping brief audio clips, interspersed with an occasional video of him talking to people who are anonymous within their own homes. Even a show a month from TBPTU seems like a firehose of content by comparison.