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We're going live early!!! And then doing a bonus episode. Give us your problems!!



Biggest Problem in the Universe #043

VOTE ON THE PROBLEMS: http://BiggestProblem.Show | SUPPORT THE SHOW: http://Patreon.com/BiggestProblem Show Links: ►VOTE: http://biggestproblem.show ►PATREON: http://patreon.com/biggestproblem ►ITUNES: http://apple.co/3AG4fGG ►GOOGLE PLAY: http://bit.ly/3jSP32e Dick Links: ►PATREON: http://patreon.com/thedickshow ►THE DICK SHOW: http://thedickshow.com ►MERCH: https://shop.dick.show/ ►TWITTER: https://twitter.com/TheCoomunist ►TWITCH: http://twitch.tv/LABasedComedian Vito Links: ►COMIC: http://superkiller.org ►CHANNEL 1: http://youtube.com/vito ►CHANNEL 2: https://www.youtube.com/vitotwo ►PATREON: http://patreon.com/thevitoshow ►TWITCH: http://twitch.tv/thevitoshow ►MERCH: http://killdozer.industries ►TWITTER: http://twitter.com/vitogesualdi



Botfarms. They're making the internet unbearable.

Zach Owen

Inconsistent workout advice, especially for weight lifting. I don't think I've ever received muscle dummy advice that wasn't, "do my thing, everything you're doing is wrong" not inefficient, wrong.

Zach Owen

Its like the stupidest MLM or supplement scheme where instead of someone at the top making money I get told I'm lifting like a retard.

Musashi Koganei

My problem: Not enough solid cans. Applies to both breasts and drink cans. They need to do better!


Shaking hands. I don't need to touch another man to acknowledge his presence.

Liam Young

Please so help me god stop with the starwars


Rhyme for next week: from fictional nit-picking to cups not sticking


Dick messing with the voting for the show as a long con to show Vito what it feels like to be vote-gas-lit would be a work of art


vito driving a honda element fits so perfectly