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Summer is ending and that means you're going back to Kid Prison!

In this bonus episode, we argue about the biggest problem in school. What is it? Vote on it at biggestproblem.show/bonus-episode-9/ 


Zach Owen

Vito: no college, rapes cats. Dick: college, hasn't raped a cat to our knowledge. Coincidence? Yes, Vito would violate cats regardless of his SAT score.

Zach Owen

Sell problem stickers with the website, logo, name of problen and a simple rendition of the problem to stick on the problem. Viral marketing out side the audience. Worked for the "I did that" Biden stickers.


you should use the bonus episodes as a chance to update the dickhead/vitophile ratio. i heard everything’s a contest from some other podcast

Liam Young

Is this the best episode yet?

John K

Great bonus episode!


I get that fucking dream every 2-3 weeks

Chris Sutton

Holy shit the school dreams are almost exactly what happens to me from time to time. It’s so damn weird.

Britz Man

"The judge was female. The judge was probably also a dog." Lmfaooo

James Fraser

I get that same dream but instead it's university