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Gimme your problems



Episode 75



Women having insane "phobias". A friend told me about being on a first date, he started coughing, and the girl started crying because she was "scared of coughs". This was years before covid. My own girlfriend is scared of seeing people brush their teeth. She has a friend who is scared of glass. And the worst thing is that they refuse to acknowledge this as a female-specific problem. How many men have you met who are scared of fucking glass?

Kidd Cudi

housing sellers being incredibly stubborn about needing 45 days to close and a leaseback afterwards for 7 days. Just sell me your fucking house already.

JD Zoidberg

Having a 6-figure salary but not being approved for a mortgage because I'm single.

Principled Uncertainty

Work nights out. What are we going to do? Catch up? We pass socially with each other and get by, I barely want to hang out with my friends, never mind the random people I'm forced to spend time with. It's not a club and if it is can I please get banned.


Way too many MTG releases/variants (too much MTG?). Let us have time to enioy the new cards that just came out and have only a few cards have variants each set.


Anniversary gifts.


Female bosses. When it's time for performance reviews they rate you based on their own feelings rather than actual performance metrics.

JD Zoidberg

it's even worse when your boss wants to join you... Can't even vent over a beer 'cause they're there...

Britz Man

Vito's tipjar problem is so true! I lived in Korea for 4 years where tipping is NOT a thing and visited the US last week. My sis bitchd me out for leaving a 10% insteaf of a 18% tip. F this country.