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Episode 77


Danny Fist

TBPITU is articles that talk about a controversy without actually telling you what they did. They'll say JK Rowling is a transphobe without showing her saying anything transphobic. SHOW ME WHY THERE IS A PROBLEM SO I CAN DECIDE IF YOU ARE RETARDED OR NOT! It's just lying by omission.

Martin O Keeffe

What do you mean you're 'on it' Vito?

Martin O Keeffe

What's the point in giving Vito problems. He'll just complain about burger king, or some other loser nonsense.


People writing break up letters to celebrities they don't like anymore. A great example is the wired review of Hogearts Legacy that Vito did a review on. The 'woman' acted legitimately heartbroken and said "part of me still loves J.K. Rowling". Jesus christ maybe they really are a woman


From Universal’s upcoming Warioland Rascal Racers to AI generated sad masturbators…


the guttural, throaty, "echk" noise Vito makes when he pronounces words ending with `ck` — like "Dick." It's not fucking yiddish Vito, give me a nice clean 'k' sound. Hit that 'k' with a hard, full stop of sound. Not this 2 second "cchhhkkkkkk."

Benjamin Swearingen

No notes, don’t remember what the problems were last week, and shitty audio makes for a great start

Benjamin Swearingen

“Software as a service” is such a fucking cancer and is only sustainable because reasonable alternatives aren’t allowed to make any headway in the market