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Short Attention Spans, Stock Market Morons, Google Doodle Dummies, Cover Charges


cameron yarnell

Fine! I'll buy the fucking comic, just kill yourself or not, none of this. Being on the fence, biggest problem in the universe. As we end another broadcast day Let me say That Vito ain't got nothin' and Dick's got it all And his miserable self is against the wall The only thing he hasn't not tried Is the sport of chumps - that’s suicide. Don't be chump vito.

Liam Young

Vito should just start doing a shit-ton of coke and acid to lose weight. Just swap out your addictions. Gluttony is a deadly sin. Love you


"Biggest" would be a pretty good promo code for blue chew.


The gayest thing is not taking it up the ass or down the throat, it's telling Vito how much we love him and not to kill himself. So, Vito, here, you got me at my gayest. Love you buddy, don't go to Greenland, you make my life way funnier be it on the show or on twitter. Though, calm down on twitter.


Dick cackling when Vito bought in attention spans again with the exact same stats really made me week

Diego Avalos Cortes

Cesar Chavez is the only person ever to successfully organize a boycott.