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Counting Dead Kids, Game Stop, Pimples on Your Nose, Bad Neighbors



Jeremy Kurowski

How the fuck do I download the mp3??


Congratz to Vito for being such an ignorant asshole that Dick is the voice of reason

Liam Young

Vito should start to play drums or get a punchingbag with a huge cock on it to lose weight.


On the day of jihad I went to work just like any other day. While on my lunch break from my 10 hour shift (that I commute 1.5 hours to) I call my wife for a brief conversation. While speaking I hear my daughter in the background laughing. I ask my wife why our daughter didn’t go to school and she gets quiet. My daughter didn’t go to school because my wife bought into the day of jihad hype. I would have understood more if she had said it was Friday the 13th.