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Biggest Problem Episode #112

VOTE ON THE PROBLEMS: http://BiggestProblem.Show | SUPPORT THE SHOW: http://Patreon.com/BiggestProblem Show Links: ►VOTE: http://biggestproblem.show ►PATREON: http://patreon.com/biggestproblem ►ITUNES: http://apple.co/3AG4fGG ►GOOGLE PLAY: http://bit.ly/3jSP32e Dick Links: ►PATREON: http://patreon.com/thedickshow ►THE DICK SHOW: http://thedickshow.com ►MERCH: https://shop.dick.show/ ►TWITTER: https://twitter.com/DickMasterson ►TWITCH: http://twitch.tv/LABasedComedian Vito Links: ►SUPERKILLER: http://superkiller.org ►CHANNEL 1: http://youtube.com/vito ►CHANNEL 2: https://www.youtube.com/vitotwo ►PATREON: http://patreon.com/thevitoshow ►TWITCH: http://twitch.tv/thevitoshow ►TWITTER: http://twitter.com/vitocomedy ►MERCH: http://killdozer.industries


Matt Bahr

Doorway Amnesia. When I get up to grab a cable from the other room and suddenly forget why I'm in this room. I return to my original spot and -fuck! I need that cable.


I actually thought of a really good problem today but i’m gonna save it in case i am ever on the show


Disgusting disease ridden Walmart shopping cart handles. Can never been cleaned.

Martin O Keeffe

Vito- "Hi, I'm Vito, I'm a perpetual trouble maker, twitter antagonist and chronically disorganised internet personality with racist soundbites. Will you, an established writer who has published works be my writing partner? I'm looking for someone who has perspectives in areas I don't. Now here's what I bring to the table...I have great insights into why the N64 and Funko-pops are trash, why Gamestop sucks and how to hack the Mcdonalds menu. We can't set milestones or deadlines, I don't work like that. Meetings are dependent on what time I wake up, it's different everyday as I have a 25 hour sleep cycle pattern. Yes, this is the real reason. No, its not a result of my behaviours, they're fine! Email applications only. RIP my inbox. "