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Crimson Shins

Vito once again proves that his dream job is being a low effort family vlogger. No one wants to watch you scoot around Disney world making low hanging fruit jokes.

Britz Man

I think dick deserves a soundboard punishment thing when he forgets to I suck cocks Vito’s to be fairs.


I was going to call Vito retarded for using sour cream but I guess if you don't have reduced cream you just have to use random shit.


I’m on my second week of no sugar/processed food and ofcourse this turns into the fat corner talking for 30 minutes about chips and dip

Ben S

Hey Vito I know the usual liberal tactic is to pretend you’re open to evidence and then ignore or dismiss everything presented but here: https://hereistheevidence.com/



Diego Avalos Cortes

Wasn't kid prison a problem in an old unrelated show?


someone finally brought in back pain! thanks dick. and thanks too for not cutting the Vito’s Twitter stinger short. Vito: the first “official” Star Wars character i remember having a yellow lightsaber was Plo Koon in Jedi Power Battles for Playstation


If Vito doesn’t want people to think his AI images are of children he might consider using the word woman instead of girl in his prompt next time