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Winter sale pre-claim available ♡

Either for the price they are listed, or;
50 USD - extra headshot
80 USD - extra half-body + headshot

1. ❌Trinicorn angel
2. ❌Pastelgoth Selis
3. ❌Desertkin Selis
4. ❌Trinicorn x Selis hybrid
5. ❌Vixling
6. ❌Aurune x Selis hybrid
7. ❌Highland Aurune

Trinicorns, Selis and Aurune are species from my world - they are not closed-species, but I follow how many are around so I'm journaling their numbers ♡



Chaotic Kaiju

Am I able to claim through comments? I'd love to claim the vixling (#5) if I can!! They're all beautiful


Absolutely! What price option would you like to buy her for - $25, $50 or $80? <3


#7 for $80 - also is there any link to the species?


Alrighty, I'll send you a private message ASAP ♡ And there are no links yet to the species, I'm currently translating their story and everything from my language to English - they'll be available here ( https://toyhou.se/LEZIFIED/characters/folder:1838073 ) once I publish them <3