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Let's talk a bit about what's coming next, for this month and afterwards

First topic : I'm going for 5k followers on Twitter, which to me seems quite huge in only one year!  Thank you to everyone!
I always wanted to make an animation to thank everyone again, so we're going for Raiden Shogun from Genshin. I'll use a software I've been starting to learn lately to animate, I hope it will come out nicely (more on that in the next point).

Second topic: I'm thinking about animating all the monthly rewards, which might take a bit of practice and time, but seems quite fun to me. I'll post more WIPs about it so you guys can see the evolution, and understand my pain as well lol

Third topic: Quite an interesting image there... I was thinking about making a comic for a very looooong time, and the first one I've ever made (what am I talking about, it's still in the making) is about Psykos and Tatsumaki. This page is made in a Pixel art style, however I feel like I'm gonna go for a more semi-realistic style for this one. It's gonna take me  a while to achieve, but I'd be more than happy to see it come out one day!

Thanks again everyone for your support!



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