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Ada won this month's poll!

Unlike last time, I'm still working on this reward lol. It should still be 12 images for 3 different positions, definitvely a cool way to go soooo yeah let's keep it that way.

I had a suggestion for DBZ or Fairy Tail here, and I'm still not decided rn what to go for. I'll probably decide last day, but get ready for one of these two. Still have Street Fighter and Bleach in mind as well, but I'm glad somebody gave me a theme to work with here and I feel like this is a cool choice

I'll send the rewards by mail to everyone like last time, during the first week of June.

Thank you everyone again for your support and let's go for another month!



Jako Jim

DBZ would be very nice, like Android 18 with her blue nail polish 🥴


i dont think i got last months