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Here you go! Pixel art is quite something on Photoshop, it actually required a bit of practice since it is mainly made by hand.

Paint.net is a really cool software for such style. In fact I still use it for the line, but Photoshop is way easier to use when it comes to organisation and layer. In fact, one of the strongest tools in Paint isn't present in Photoshop (or I haven't found it yet), which is the spline tool. It really gives a smoother render compared to hand free lines, whether it is made on photoshop or Paint. I still have to figure this out, but I'm quite happy with the result this far!

I hope you get to learn a thing or two there as well, and I also made a little tutorial how to switch your tools for pixel art on Photoshop. Let me know if you have any question, and thanks again for your support!



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