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Hey there guys! Quick update on what's happening this month as almost usual!

What's happening this month :

I still have a good list of commissions,  so again I'll probably need to quite some time to take care of it.

Yoimiya's pack part 2 is screaming somewhere in my folders, and I guess it will keep screaming quite loudly this month as well until I finally work on it.

I think I must also be honnest, I really like working on Pixel Genshin packs, but I feel like I really want to work on part.1 on a lot of new girl rather than going for part.2 lately.

Yelan was a hard one to work on tbh, Xinyan is not good enough for me atm and same for Venti. But I'm really inspired for other characters (Candace Faruzan and Collei for example). I'll try to finish Yoimiya soon enough, but I don't really want to force myself to work on parts 2 until I feel really inspired. I think I'll just have way more fun and the pictures will be way more interesting as well.

Nothing to fear really in conclusion, I just wanted to give a quick update about the mindset I'm in and the direction I'd like to take for these projects!

Also wanted to talk about the 3 Stars Tier. It originally was a tier made for people interested about my workflow, and I wanted to get some feedback about it, how to improve it if needed. I'll probably make a post for the 3 Stars tier peeps, but that's something I wanted to mention as well.

Futa List
I started this one a little while ago (I think I wrote this in October maybe) and I felt like showing it, as it is the kind of projects I've had the most fun with (NezukoxDaki and BethxBeth for example were really great).

I'll try to work on it as often as possible, trying as many different styles as possible. It will probably grow as we progress as well, so maybe expect some updates about it!

Kimberly is almost done! But I'm struggling with a few details, so I thought about talking about it here since Idk if it was worth it to make a WIP post about it. Expect her to come soon enough as well!

And lastly, I'll be working on some little projects (like the Hu tao/Nilou one (HuTaou? Nilao? Niltaou??Wtf???) or a cool one with Sumeru NPCs)

Reward this month will be EPIC. Get ready for it tomorrow. 

Thanks again for your support, and reading my big batch of words as usual, and let's go for another month.




Raiden x Ei sounds extremely enticing 😵‍💫 looking forward to all the genshin stuff


woaaaah Kimberly? Excited for that! Hopefully some Mimi too!


I’m waiting for the rest of the characters to come out to start drawing them, but she’s on the list obviously 😏😎