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Here you go! Madam Faruzan at the ready!

I'll post the pack tomorrow on Gumroad as usual! It's a big 5 pictures set, and I think it's a pretty cool one! If there's a pack I definitively want to do part 2 for, I guess it would be this one... But I'm working on Collei for now, so we'll see later about that!

I don't think there's much to learn here about the process, so I probably won't post  the .PSD file, but if you're curious and want it anyways let me know.

Anyways, Collei next!




EXCITED FOR TOMORROW xP can’t wait, looks good as always!

Toad Stoole

Tomorrow 🤯 I need it NOW! Guess I’ll just have to wait 😅


Preview is looking amazing 😍 Looking forward to the release!


looks amazing bro!


lord I love when u do heels