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Chun-Li won the poll!

Kinda hyped she won the poll, (even if I have a hard crush on Karin) cause her skin must be used a bit more!

Alright, so I have soooooooo many pictures of Kajinman comming in my mind when I think about summer pin-ups type of render, so I'll try to do something cool by emulating his style!

Again, usual format! Nothing much more to say about it, except that you will enjoy it for sure!

If you're new around here, let me explain the reward system to you:

Everyone gets a set of pictures for the character who won the poll this month. You can get it whatever the tier you chose by suscribing here. And so, to make sure everyone gets the reward properly (and avoid leaks), I'm sending these to the mailbox you used to make your Patreon account.

I'll send you a private message on Patreon once it is sent, to make sure you didn't miss it!

The reward takes a week or less to be done, so please wait for the notification before checking your mailbox! Thank you for your patience!

If you have any trouble getting it again, please let me know! It may also end up in your spam or trash bin section, make sure to check there as well!

Anyways, thank you everyone again for your support and let's go for another month!


Since I'm a bit late on my usual schedule, I just wanted to give a little update abour the reward... This one is taking me a bit more time than the other ones because I had to rework it from (almost) the begginning once I was mid process. I should be able to finish it for Monday/Tuesday maximum, but no worries to have if you didn't get it yet! I'm just not done with it yet!

I just took a whole different turn on the story, since the one I basically chose wasn't interesting enough aaaaaand I didn't want to send you guys something meh-tier. I hope you'll enjoy it!




I'm so excited! I love Chun-li, especially in this outfit!


Ok, take it easy. I can wait. (putting on my pants