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Hey everyone! Back here with a new content roadmap, this time for the remaining weeks of February and March.

And once again, I want to remind everybody that nothing is final, and plans might change depending on time constraints and other such factors.

Now then, onto the specifics. The main objective in the coming weeks will be to finalize Hanako's story and finally move back to Kendo's Route main plot. Wasn't I supposed to move onto Rin's story next? Yes... but then I realized people have been asking for more Kendo x Mary, begging for it, demanding it... just like I planned (jk).

First off, Hanako's story will come to a conclussion, same as Natsuki's. I think her final scene will be a tad shorter than Natsuki's was, but equally as fun. I've already begun working on it as well, which is always a good thing.

Once Hanako's story is over, I'll dedicate a few weeks to continuing the game's main story, picking up from the swinging night's aftermath. Kendo and Mary's relationship has evolved to a stage in which Satoshi has lost all hope of interfering. The first half of this story will be all about Kendo and Mary flaunting their intense sexual chemistry in front of a Satoshi in full denial-mode, never outright doing anything right in front of him, but throwing one big hint after another until he can no longer escape from the truth.

Shizuka and Arato will play a role here as well, as Arato's link with Kendo is further specified and Shizuka begins to feel torn about her boyfriend's actions and growing obsession with Mary. Even though he's been humilliated, Arato still has a trick up his sleeve... though Shizuka might not be as willing to follow through with his schemes as she once was.

This'll be in Kendo's Route first half. After reaching a certain point, I'll move onto the remaining heroine stories. First Rin and Kaoru's story, and then Erina and Naomi's.

Arato's route will get regular updates during all of this, though it'll be a while before I add its next long scene. I already have it planned out, though, and for fans of that route I know it'll be worth the wait.

Aaaand finally, I'll be spending some of my efforts into tinkering with the early game story. I'm not planning to rewrite or redo scenes, but I might update some animations, and I'll add two or three extra scenes to make Mary's corruption feel more natural. The cosplay parlor will sadly be erased from existence (it doesn't quite fit my current plans for the game), but I'll leave those scenes in the gallery for everyone to enjoy. This tinkering will require me adjusting the manly level needed for certain scenes.

Phew, that was a lot, but I like to keep you guys as informed as possible about the game!

Once again, thanks for your support, and hope you keep it going for the next months!



Adam Williams

Even when life gives you a crap ton of challenges, you still manage to bless us with content. So once again .... thank you for your hard work.


Don't wait for the Anniversary event=)


When Natsuky get back my man