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Hey all, I'm taking a look at my tags for stories, and I was wondering if I could get some feedback on ones that you either think are redundant for browsing, or think could be added. Thanks all!


Snowcone the Glaceon

One that comes to my mind straight away is the tag for Deer stories. I think changing it from Doe/Stag to just deer would make it a bit easier.

Zappy m

Maybe adding a Willing/Unwilling tag based in the story protagonists

arthur D. gonzalez-martin

Maybe simplify the species for the more obscure ones like reptile, aqotic, and avian we'll keeping the common breeds like dog horse and cat.


make collections for series?


So you're thinking I don't need dog breeds, for example, and maybe simplify the tags for less common species? tempting'


I'm pretty sure "Male character" (lower case c) is redundant when you have the tag "Male Character" (upper case c). Also all other tags with character in it use an upper case C.