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Hey all!

I want to let you all know that I've finished Starlight!

I'm very pleased with how it ends, and I hope you'll be, too. This is one I've looked forward to since the start of the arc, and I'm quite nervous to see if I've stuck the landing with y'all. The story is obviously going to be combed over and edited more by the time it reaches all of you, so while I have the overall story done, there's still some lighter work to be done.

Starlight is also unique in the sense that I've got a small bit of additional content for it that will be 100% exclusive to Patrons. This content is perfectly fine to keep exclusive, as it's just an elaboration on something that will be explained more generally later - but as it's something that will be covered (in Twilight and the third arc), I'm not chomping at the bit to do it right away.

In the meantime, I'll be taking a bit of a break from writing to decompress and relax. As we're nearing the end of the year I'll be having a lot of events - my birthday, dental work, holidays, etc. - and I'll be able to face these without the pressure of finishing a book on my mind.

However, if the muse finds me and I start working on something, that's just how it goes, lol. I've got a few original works that I've been neglecting... 

I'll also take the opportunity here to say that I'll be taking the 26th through the 30th off from cat designs/art. The reasoning is a little selfish - I want to enjoy a game release with my partner, who never takes time off from work - but as I'm now done with Starlight, I don't feel nearly so bad about it as I did previously.

Something I've thought about recently, specifically with Starlight, is perhaps publishing my initial notes/drafts of the stories I write - at least the TB AU ones. There is some value in looking over an author's notes, and with Starlight in particular there are bits that were drafted that didn't make it into the final story for one reason or another.

I'm not sure I possess all the drafts for the previous stories, but let me know if you'd find that interesting!

Thanks so much for all your support <3



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