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Hey all!

I just finished up the last chapter of Twilight! Woo!!!

Now, that doesn't mean the story is 100% done - there's editing and posting and all that - but the biggest amount of work is over! Twilight was a rocky story, I won't deny it at all, but I like how the ending came out, and I think that Sunset will be much, much easier - though, as the last book of the arc, it will come with its own challenges :P

I plan to start writing Sunset in the new year - I need to decompress a bit and gather my thoughts on how to make it live up to the energy that Twilight is going to bring. The perspective shift back to our friend Mistyfoot is definitely going to alter the tone a lot!

So, in the meantime, what am I working on?

Well, I'm trying my hand at National Novel Writing Month - or, NaNo! If you don't know what that is, it's a writing challenge where, in November, you try to write 50,000 words of any piece of work you want. It could be something new, something old, or even multiple somethings, which is what I'm doing, lol

Finishing Twilight got me to about 13k words, give or take the editing I'll have to do. So, now that Twilight is done, I'm going to work on Otherworld - the rewrite of my old story, Koukon Bridge. I know that one's been floating about here and there, and I'd even made it a goal to finish the first book of it this year, foolish of me as that was; but I really want to try to get as much of it done this month as I can.

Will I finish it? Who knows! This is the first time I've tried to do something like this. It will be strange writing about humanoids after so long spent writing about cat drama lol - but Lo and I have always had a good rapport, and the most important thing is to have fun!

Are any of you trying NaNo? Did you even know about it? More information can be found on their official site here. You don't have to wait till November to participate or to set goals for yourself!

Thank you all so much for your support and patience with me and my writing process. I hope you all like Twilight when it's done - it hasn't even gotten started yet :P

--Twilight (not the book) <3



Take all the time and energy you need and good luck on your writing!