Ultimate Mini Booster! ~ Permanent Results + Blockage Removal + Hydration Frequencies (Patreon)
These powerful affirmations will help you:
- Make your desired affirmations work instantly
- Be able to recognize and accept only desired changes
- Always achieve permanent results with great ease
- Instantly program your mind to reach your goals
- Understand and manifest the law of attraction
- Have your body and mind keep results forever
- Allow yourself to receive all beneficial changes
- Always be at the right place at the right time
- Connect to the loving energy of the Universe
- Program your mind for permanent success
- Remove any mental or physical blockages
- Change your subconscious beliefs at will
- Communicate with your subconscious
- Be extremely optimistic and confident
- Manifest the power of synchronicity
- Increase your communication skills
- Improve your intuition and creativity
- Improve your power of visualization
- Attract many new opportunities
- Radiate kindness and gratitude
- Attract your desires like a magnet
- Always be very lucky and fortunate
- Make all desirable results permanent
- Live and love your life to the fullest
- Raise immensely your vibration
- Boost subliminal affirmations
- Bring many miracles into your life
- Instantly manifest your desired life
- Significantly increase your memory
- Attract many new great opportunities
- Always feel young, healthy and full of energy
- Be extremely happy, optimistic and confident
- Letting go of limiting beliefs, blockages or feelings
- Get beneficial and desired results instantly and permanently
Listen at least 1 or 2 times before and once again after your regular subs. Most people start getting faster results in 1 or 2 weeks when used daily. When used at least twice, the effects of this Booster last around 4 to 5 hours. The effect on the results will be permanent.
I recommend listening to my Boosters as often as you can, as they will end up saving you LOTS of time and you will get much better results.
This formula includes Rife frequencies that will help you keep properly hydrated. Please don't listen while driving or using heavy machinery and make sure to drink enough water when listening to subliminals to maximize the results and avoid headaches!
You can multitask listening to this session. You can loop this audio while you sleep for ultra-fast changes!
Happy results! :)
Performer: Markus Staab
Song: Piano Concerto no. 21 in C major, K. 467 - II. Andante
Composer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Artist site: https://musopen.org/music/performer/markus-staab/