Neck Health + Pain and Stiffness Removal ~ Gentle Rain and Thunder Sounds (Patreon)
Benefits of these powerful affirmations include:
- Send healing energies to your neck and shoulders.
- Relax your muscles to help your spine realign.
- Have perfectly toned and healthy muscles.
- Feel your neck and shoulders relax.
- Have a healthy and youthful spine.
- Have a healthy and youthful neck.
- Fully restore your spine flexibility.
- Have optimally aligned vertebrae.
- Have an optimal skeletal system.
- Have a flexible and resilient spine.
- Have strong and resilient muscles.
- Have an ideally healthy neck curvature.
- Easily and quickly relax all your muscles at will.
- Quickly and easily relax your neck muscles at will.
- Have relaxed facial, neck and shoulder muscles.
- Fully heal and regenerate your neck muscles.
- Optimally align your C1 through C7 vertebrae.
- Have optimally aligned cervical vertebrae forever.
- Fully heal and regenerate your C1-C2 through C6-C7 discs.
- Fully heal and regenerate your intervertebral fibrocartilage.
- Completely rejuvenate your intervertebral fibrocartilage.
- Have healthy and resilient cervical discs.
- Have healthy and resilient neck muscles.
- Have cervical discs that optimally stabilize your neck allowing you to turn it smoothly from side to side and bend forward to back.
- Have a cervical spine with perfect health and ideal vertebral alignment.
- Have a neck with perfect health and ideal vertebral alignment.
- Heal and regenerate your vertebral ligaments to perfect youth and ideal health.
- Heal and regenerate your vertebral discs to perfect youth and ideal health.
- Heal and regenerate your vertebrae to perfect youth and ideal health.
- Heal and regenerate your cervical spine to perfect youth and ideal health.
- Heal and regenerate your cervical spinal cord to perfect youth and ideal health.
- Heal and regenerate your bones and muscles to perfect youth and ideal health.
- Heal and regenerate your cartilage and ligaments to perfect youth and ideal health.
- Heal and regenerate all veins in your neck to perfect youth and ideal health.
- Heal and regenerate all nerves in your neck to perfect youth and ideal health.
- Heal and regenerate all the cartilage in your neck to perfect youth and ideal health.
- Heal and regenerate all discs in your neck to perfect youth and ideal health.
- Always have optimal levels of all needed nutrients for perfect youth and ideal health.
- Always have optimal amounts of astaxanthin and glutathione for perfect youth and ideal health.
- Always have optimal amounts of collagen and elastin for perfect youth and ideal health.
- Always have optimal amounts of hyaluronic acid for perfect youth and ideal health.
- Receive optimal amounts of vitamins and minerals for perfect youth and optimal neck health.
- Safely rejuvenate your neck and shoulders.
- Have healthy, strong and resilient neck muscles.
- Safely tone and firm the skin on your face and neck.
- Send increased circulation and nutrition to your neck.
- Efficiently transport all needed nutrients to your neck and shoulders.
- Always maintain a perfect rested and youthful appearance.
- Produce all the collagen and elastin that your neck needs.
- Efficiently transport all needed nutrients to your tissues.
- Have a flexible and perfectly aligned neck.
- Have a healthy, robust and resilient neck.
- Have healthy and toned neck muscles.
- Have extremely beautiful collarbones.
- Have an optimal posture at all times.
- Have a healthy posture at all times.
- Have toned youthful face muscles.
- Easily turn your neck in any direction.
- Easily move your head in any direction.
- Always feel calm and comfortable.
- Have the most beautiful neckline.
- Have optimal blood circulation.
- Always feel happy and relaxed.
Listen on low comfortable volume at least 1 to 3 times a day for best results. Headphones are optional. You can loop this audio.
This formula includes frequencies. Please don't listen while driving or using heavy machinery and make sure to drink enough water to maximize results and help to heal.
Happy results! :)