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Suggest your character to sketch in the comments below!
please specify the name of the character (oс, or any other character from cartoons and games) and the exact references to the imgur with him!

Later, I will randomly choose a character and draw a small doodle with him! <3



Maria Sul https://discord.com/channels/848529117242064956/848609524184383518/1100082057704644698


My Elf Paladin of Lust and Passion Runa. Fullytank has given me permission to use their Elf Paladin as reference for my own as they have very similar appearances. If I win I can give specific details :3 https://imgur.com/a/xxV8byH

josh smith

Theo Shadowcaster, an OC of mine originally created as a profile for me by a friend has now become my go to for practically everything. Would love to see in someone elses art style :D https://imgur.com/gallery/EZZoQwI


Shy little lightning gobbo Bijuli Sometimes scared of her powers but always finds a way to use them. Would love to see them shine https://1drv.ms/i/s!AtHn3sBgGH3-l9Z1I7v5v0BDbzVCiA


https://imgur.com/a/udwFGQI My eladrin soulknife, Josie!


My little bit horny gobo-maid Esu. She is a bard also. I just can`t propose any other characters because of gobtober. https://imgur.com/a/fCPPCEM


I'll put in my tiefling alchemist, Orianna. May she brew up something nice for folk :) https://imgur.com/a/nH9WTSX

Tiempo de Hienas

My fox girl Rina Ortega https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12no4-oJhLoQaxeQ_EkZLw6OK4sGr5nCQ


I'll toss in my friend's elf Saryella! https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/o36sza0wyjms1y94z3db0/h?rlkey=uyklye6v99jgsl2gtl6ampka9&dl=0


Here's my noir detective. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1152926731297116220/1157030224224067604/333-1.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1152926731297116220/1157030223716552744/Lady.png

Kai Yun-Jun

OC Sponty https://www.imgchest.com/p/md7o9rol7p6


My half goblin, half troll OC, Vitani: https://imgur.com/a/5VjqO2E


My Kitsune Yoshino https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1O948RhQ1-poxemPrBskCdZ55CTR6ROny?usp=sharing


Not sure if its too late, but Thalia! My calico-satyr https://imgur.com/a/1ZkIAZN