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I'm retconning that old series I did where Mrs. O gets caught in the end. He found out she cheated when the kids were born, but they reconciled and are working on fixing things. It'll make sense. Trust.




Hell yes! Boobs!!!


He's KNOWN the whole time!? 🤯


Emmitt knew? I hope he's cool with it.


Wait, so in the version with the bigger breasts, Emmet knows about her and Nick? I love it if that's the case


I knew he was cool with it


If Emmet has any sense in his head, then he knows that he should be thanking Nick for giving his wife such an amazing pair of knockers.


So they're reconciling over Nick...right as she's about to go get piped on camera. Poor Emmet can't catch a break.


personally, i think you made them too big. I would've stayed with the initial enhanced size from 'can't say no'. What you've got now... a bit too comical to be fully aroused by it.


HMMMM should we trust?!?! I'll allow it... jk jk


We NEED some edits to the old series now!


Nike Improve her if you ask me😎👌🔞❤️❤️❤️


Just filtered on “comics”, is that a series that’s in Patreon? Not sure I’ve seen that one 😕


Big kahunas


https://e621.net/posts/2824047?pool_id=2167 yes indeed! Emmet catches them at the end of this lil' mini series that starts here, seems that's not canon now


The kid she had also would have been a clue.


HE KNOWS I don't remember him figuring it out or her admitting it but I could be wrong


A few questions for everyone: 1) Who else has the feeling that Emid is a little happy that Nick seduced his wife and got her pregnant and that's why she has these big breasts? 2) Who believes that Emid can really still satisfy his wife sexually after everything Nick did with Mrs Otterton? At least without her having to think about Nick and/or anyone else. 3) With such great pictures of Mrs Otterton, who doesn't wish that Nick would have gotten at least one of Judy's sisters pregnant? Including Judy.


Exactly! Hopefully Judy will get breasts like that as standard at some point. and not as an alternative for certain scenes.

Nick GURR (edited)

Comment edits

2024-11-22 17:24:43 One this I haven’t seen no one question or talk about is that Nick got her pregnant and now she’s on birth control I find that kinda hot 🔥🔥
2024-10-08 00:25:17 One thing I haven’t seen no one question or talk about is that Nick got her pregnant and now she’s on birth control I find that kinda hot 🔥🔥

One thing I haven’t seen no one question or talk about is that Nick got her pregnant and now she’s on birth control I find that kinda hot 🔥🔥


Jeez someone can’t share an opinion without people dogpiling?