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Why would the professor send a rookie like you to join me?” a deep and scruffy voice murmurs with frustration in the distance as you eavesdrop on their conversation. The sounds of heavy booted footsteps rummaging through the forest leaves mask your small bare footsteps following behind. Peering through the shrubbery, you see two men dressed in hiking overalls where the older one is clearly leading the inexperienced scientist. Smiling to yourself, you silently stalk your prey as your E-cup breasts sway side to side and you brush your long hair out of your eyes. “Wait… stop!” the lead scientist shouts and drops to his knees as he examines a nearby flower carefully. Your stomach gurgles softly with hunger as you realize that your sister is finally joining you on the hunt; you can barely contain your drool as you silently inch closer.

It’s the Asian variant of the plant” the man mutters in surprise as the rookie hands him the camera and notepad for research documentation. You hear a faint rustle in the bush nearby and see a doll-like Japanese face looking back with tattered remains of a shirt and a thick vine attached to her lower back. The two scientists freeze after hearing the same sound and the leader stumbles back, “oh fuck… someone touched it” he shouts in fear and realization as you and your sister pounce out of your hiding spots onto your prey.

G-got you!” you giggle, grabbing the unassuming rookie and tackling him to the ground. His eyes are wide in fear and confusion after seeing your sexy Japanese face smiling back with drool running down your mouth. Young and inexperienced, he blushes red as your heavy breasts press onto him and your dripping pussy grinds against his leg, encouraging an erection to form. “Give… me… cum” you pant into his ear with your sultry voice as you look up to see your sister doing the same to the leader with juices leaking out of her pussy.

Wait--- who are yo--- mmpphh” the rookie screams in surprise, but you silence him by pressing your lips against his and dig your tongue into his mouth. He begins to gag and jolt as your tongue presses against the back of his throat, coating the inside of his mouth with your saliva. His muscles relaxes and his struggles subsides as the aphrodisiac in your fluids seep into his blood stream making his boner painfully harden even more. “Oh fummphh… what are you do--- aahnnnn” he moans as you pull out his dick from his pants and guide it towards your puffy pussy, feeling it throb against your slit.

F-fill me up” you pant as you lower your hips onto his girthy cock, feeling it impale your insides and spread your tight pussy lips apart. Inhaling sharply, you push lower until you feel the tip of his cock ram against your womb, making you moan loudly. Only desiring his cum, you begin to gyrate your hips, feeling his dick rub against every corner of your deep vagina and trembling clitoris. “I… need it…” you moan loudly, beginning to bounce on his cock desperately as your hefty breasts bounces above his head. Hearing a girly shriek, you see your sister leaning against a tree and panting for breath while her prey writhes on the forest floor with juices spraying out of his newly formed pussy.

D-David… H-help!” the leader’s voice quivers as he uncontrollably fingers himself and orgasms for the third time. Loud bone snapping sounds emanate from the two scientists as their back arches sharply, causing their spine to become much shorter and curvier. You’re surprised that your sister managed to progress with her prey’s transformation much faster than you, but you want to enjoy the sensations of getting a veiny dick in your pussy for the second time. “H-help… I’m… so horny…” the leader whimpers, hearing his voice crack higher into a cute and feminine tone with a Korean accent.

S-sir… I c-can’t…” David whimpers under you as he’s still pinned to the floor with your tight pussy sliding along his dick. The rookie scientist’s eyes widen in fear as he watches the leader’s old and masculine face soften and become rounder as his jaw shrinks and cheekbones pop higher. The transforming girl whimpers loudly as her nose crunches narrower in a cute button nose while her eyebrows thin. “S-sir… your face!” David squeals in horror, hearing his voice also cracking higher into sultry and seductive tone with a distinct Japanese accent. Trying to clear his throat while staring at his shifting leader with morbid fascination, David watches his partner’s face turn younger with fading wrinkles as a layer of make-up coats her face. Blinking a few times, her eyes widen into a slanted almond complexion with brown irises, making her look increasingly Asian. “S-sir… are you okay?!” David pants, cringing at his feminine voice as he watches her lips plump up into pillowy cock sleeves.

Sir? I… I’m just… Doct… Ro… Rosie…” she mumbles with hesitation as she struggles to remember her name as hundreds of conflicting memories swarm her mind. Scratching her head in confusion, her hair cascades down to her lower back, turning jet black and silky smooth like her skin as it brightens into a creamy yellow-ish hue matching her new heritage. “B-but… I’m not okay…” she pants between breaths in a thick Korean accent as she continues to plunge her slender fingers in and out of her pussy. “I… need your big dick inside me…” she moans loudly as juices gush out of her pussy and drips down her legs as her knees tremble from all the pleasure.

C-cum in me first!” you say with jealousy as you bounce on David’s dick faster until you hear him grunt. The root embedded to your tailbone heats up as you feel his cock throb inside your pussy before feeling hot cum spray your inside full. “Ahhnnn… more…” you moan with your eyes rolling back as you orgasm at the same time, causing a mixture of your juices and his cum to overflow out of your pussy. Still horny from the aphrodisiac flowing through his body, David slides his dick out of you with a wet slurp and grabs Rosie by the waist before pushing her against a tree trunk and plunging his cum coated dick deep into her virgin pussy.

I… I’m sorry…” David pants between thrusts as his head throbs and his thoughts start to feel hazy, “I… I’m just too horny” he continues, pounding his cock faster and deeper into the Korean girl. The tree trunk vibrates violently as the two make love relentlessly, but the rookie finds it increasingly harder to push his dick into her as Rosie’s ass swells into a round bubble butt. Smacking it and leaving a red mark as David spreads her thick ass checks apart, he’s unaware of his own ass filling with fat and causing his skin to stretch. “Nuurghh… woah…” he grunts as his soft peach ass protrudes from behind with his curvy spine making it more prominent.

Come on…” Rosie hisses impatiently, feeling her breasts push out into modest B-cups as she catches her breath, “I’m so hungry…” she moans, hearing her stomach gurgle in protest as her belly flattens into a toned core and her waist sucks in. Her addiction and desire for cum only increases as a stray vine attaches itself to her tailbone and demands for more nutrients. The Korean girl begins to press her hips against David, feeling his cock push deeper into her until he finally gives in and blows his final load into her until his balls become empty and shrivelled up. “Y-yes… yesssss…” Rosie coos, patting her crotch as cum sloshes inside, but a strange sensation flows through her body as it all drains out of her and into the vine, “Noooooo” she cries as the insatiable hunger for cum returns.

S-something’s happening” you mutter to your sister as your stomach gurgles loudly and you start to feel nauseous. The same is happening to her as she clutches her belly painfully and yelps in surprise as a bump forms. Hesitantly touching yours, you feel it grow larger as David’s cum inside you continue to churn, making your body shudder. “Oh… nughh… gguuhh…” you gasp for air as your knees feel week, forcing you to squat as an intense pressure builds in your crotch. Panting for breath, you feel the bump slowly slide lower as you feel your vaginal wall and pussy lips stretch open as something slides out. “Ahhnn… oohh…” you moan as a dark green seed pops out and you have a sudden urge to water and nurture it with maternal instincts.

Releasing fluids onto the seed, you see your sister doing the same to hers as it’s fertilised from your prey’s cum. Carefully covering it with soil, you look up to see David frantically inspecting himself in fear as he finally notices his massive ass. “Welcome… sister” you say in your thick Japanese accent as you smile at Rosie and read her mind since you’re all interconnected to the same plant.

H-help! It’s… disappearing” David screams in a panic, desperately trying to hold onto his shrinking dick as his empty balls slurp into his crotch and reform into ovaries. His eyes roll back and the corner of his mouth twitches into a smile as he fights against the flood of sexual urges flowing into his head. You watch his knees buckle and weaken as his hips does the opposite and loudly cracks wider into child-bearing proportions. “Nurrgh… oh my goddddd” he moans, noticing a more transparent fluid seeping out of his inverting cock as fat builds up on his hips and flows into his thighs. Biting his plumping lower lip, David stifles a moan as his thighs expand with fat, causing them to match his already round ass and wide hips. “I… I don’t want to be like her…” he cries in a thick Japanese accent as he points at Rosie who’s busy fingering herself mindlessly. His shivers as his sensitive juicy inner thighs rub against each other, smearing the fluids all over his lower body.

Urrgh… oh… fuck…” David pants breathlessly as his body trembles and his face flushes red with arousal. Watching his flaccid dick finally sink into his crotch, his head throbs with pain as the rest of your saliva in his bloodstream takes effect. His jaw drops open in disbelief and horror as the middle of his crotch splits open from where the base of his dick used to be, and a pair of pink and moist flaps push out. “No… noooo…” he screams as a nearby vine suddenly attaches itself to his tailbone, making his eyes glaze temporarily.

I… I want to go back to… my… my fami---” David mumbles in a daze as he hesitates, trying to remember the names and faces of his friends and family but nothing comes to mind. Tears well up in his eyes as he cries in frustration, unaware of his eyes widening into similarly slanted almond shaped complexion like the Asian girls around him. His throat feels dry with thirst as his neck slims and his stomach begins to gurgle with hunger. “S-sisters… I’m starving…” David blurts out, covering his mouth in surprise as he feels the contours of his face warp into a more feminine appearance with a softer jawline and higher cheekbones. His short hair rapidly cascades past his shoulders, turning jet black and silky smooth, making him look like a slutty Japanese girl.

Mmmph… d-do I look good?” David pants, fluttering his long eyelashes and giving you a seductive pout with his plump lips as you approach him with swaying hips and bouncing breasts. His eyes instantly lock onto your puffy nipples as you feel your tits pulsate with activity, becoming heavier and fuller. Without warning, he pounces on you and latches his mouth onto your nipples and immediately begins to suckle on them like a hungry infant, making you moan aloud as the sweet nectar oozing out fills his mouth. “T-thank you… sister” David mumbles between mouthfuls as his mind continues to warp, no longer remembering his human name but a life with her sisters as Honoka.

Catch your own prey next time” you giggle in a thick Japanese accent as she smiles sheepishly at you. As Honoka’s petite body absorbs the nectar from your ample lactating breasts, she begins to hyperventilate as her chest becomes tender and pulsates rapidly. Stifling a moan, she looks down to see her skin stretching as her hardened nipples enlarge with darker and wider areolas. Her breathing quickens as fat continues to pour under her nipples, causing budding A-cup breasts to protrude as she cups her expanding tits in her hands. “With breasts like mine… you can attract all the humans” you joke, playfully squeezing your leaking E-cup breasts and feeling fluids squirt out onto the forest floor. Honoka only manages a mumble as her tits swell into modest C-cups, surpassing Rosie’s B-cups and making her feel jealous. Within seconds, Honoka’s breasts balloons into D-cups, hanging from her chest like droplets and bouncing from the slightest touch. With a satisfied sigh, she runs her hands along her round and soft breasts, feeling her fingers sinking into the soft flesh as she begins to imagine all the attention her new assets will bring.

Feeling a tingle in your root-connected tailbone, you and your three Asian sisters suddenly freeze in silence as you hear footsteps in the distance. A hungry smile spreads across your face as everyone spreads out like a wolfpack hunting its prey and slowly approaches the sounds. You drool at the thought of having more sisters or using your prey’s nutrients to fertilize another seed and spread your family throughout the forest.

Ha! I got you!” you coo seductively as you pounce out of a nearby bush.


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