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Who cares if I lost the challenge” Ivan scoffs, raising his hand in defiance as he sits on the living room couch watching a football game. With a hulking body and chiseled jawline, it’s no surprise that he found a girl or jacked off in the first few days of the month. Agreeing to partake in your other friend’s strange No Nut November ritual a month earlier, Ivan nor you took it seriously. “It’s only good for virgins like you” Ivan jokes, grinning at Matt as he glares back angrily.

You didn’t lose the challenge too, right?” Matt asks you with slight concern as you sheepishly smile at him. Admittedly, you controlled yourself for the first week, but you gradually succumbed to your urges and failed the challenge soon after. Seeing your reaction, Matt’s face pales a little as he staggers back in disappointment, “y-you’re not meant to fail” he stutters. Confused at the seriousness of his tone for such a harmless challenge, you wonder what he’s so paranoid about. “We’re supposed to control Ivan together” he hisses as you stare back in puzzlement.

Control? Like…” Ivan snaps back angrily, looking away from the football match, “like… making me suck your big juicy dick?!” he blurts out, covering his mouth in horror. You and Matt look at him in shock as he clenches his mouth shut to avoid saying more; with his lips pursed, they inflate rapidly into pillowy cock sleeves coated in pink lipstick. The contours of his face start to shift as his chiseled jawline softens and his cheekbones pop higher, giving him a more feminine appearance. His nose crunches smaller and narrower while a layer of make-up cakes his face, leaving it smooth and spotless like a doll. “What the fuuuuck?!” Ivan splutters, hearing his voice cracking higher into a sultry and feminine tone, sounding increasingly ditzy. His eyes blink wider with longer eyelashes and a green tint to his irises, altering a significant amount of his memories. To complete the look, his short blond hair cascades down to his shoulders, becoming wavy and silky smooth hiding his slender neck.

Wha… what happened to Ivan?!” you splutter in horror, seeing a blonde girl’s head atop his masculine body. His hands touch his unrecognizable face in a panic, tugging his long hair and patting his lips, trying to comprehend it all. With a pained grunt, he crumples to the floor and spasms uncontrollably as sounds of bone snapping fills the room. “H-Holy shit…” you gasp, watching Ivan’s muscular body shrink into a more petite and curvy physique too small for his baggy clothes. Reaching out to you for help, his hands contracts with slim fingers and long glossy nails like all the girls he spent time with.

Oooh my Goddddd” Ivan squeals in a high voice, his fingers fumbling over his pulsating chest as his nipples perk up, becoming puffy and dark. Tearing off his oversized shirt, your jaw drops as you watch his chest ripple with fat flooding under his nipples, slowly pushing them out into A-cups. “They’re gonna be… like… so big” Ivan pants breathlessly as he massages his developing breasts, feeling them swell into round D-cups. In a daze, he gropes his tits, feeling their softness and weight in his small palms as his cleavage jiggles.

He’s becoming a girl?!” you splutter, glancing at Matt as he watches Ivan’s body change without a look of surprise. Turning your attention back onto Ivan, you see him clutching his hips as they jut outwards, and his ass explodes with fat into a soft peach ass. His muscular legs soften with fat too, causing his thighs to expand thicker than his head while his calves become slimmer within a few seconds. “Y-You knew this would happen?” you ask Matt, seeing his calm reaction as he ignores Ivan’s moans and groans on the floor.

Well… he failed the challenge… as expected…” Matt replies bluntly as you stare at him in confusion for his lack of worry. Giving you a sympathetic look, he shakes his head in disappointment and sighs, “we were supposed to have fun with her” he says. Glancing at Ivan, you see a busty blonde girl stroking her dick shamelessly in front of you and Matt as pre-cum starts to seep out. Vaguely remembering the ritual you participated in a while ago, your blood runs cold as you contemplate running out of the room to safety. “You failed too…” Matt says flatly, pointing at your face as a bead of sweat runs down your forehead.

That doe---” you splutter as strands of hair covers your eyes and you run your fingers along your itching scalp in a panic to feel long and silky-smooth hair flow down past your shoulders. Frantically tugging your hair in disbelief, you wince at the pain as your face starts to tingle. “Shit… not like Ivan…” you gasp, touching your face in horror, feeling your cheekbones pop higher, creating a rounder and more feminine appearance. Sneezing, your nose crunches into a cute button nose while your eyebrows narrows and tears blur your vision.

H-How do you stop this?!” you whimper, rubbing your eyes as they become wider with a distinct slant and long eyelashes. Blinking a few times, your irises darken beneath hooded eyelids, giving you a more Asian appearance. “Matt… help me!” you scream at him, hearing your voice cracking higher into an alluring and feminine tone with a thickening Japanese accent. Covering your mouth in horror, they plump up with lipstick covering your pearly white teeth while your throat continues to tingle. “Ahem… Ahem… my… voice?!” you splutter, touching your neck as your Adams apple disappear, leaving it slender and smooth.

Wow… a blonde bimbo and an Asian slut” Matt snickers, seeing Ivan fingering his new pussy as you touch your unfamiliar face. A smile spreads across Matt’s face and his boner rises as he watches his dream girls appear in front of him. “Irene… you’ll be my slave” he says with a grin as he points at the blonde, causing her eyes to roll back as her memories change to his request. “And you… Kim… will be my girlfriend” Matt says, pointing at you as an intense wave of nausea rushes into your head, making your thoughts fragmented and airy.

What?! No… I’m gonna… be your sexy girlfriend” you slur, almost biting your tongue as you uncontrollably blurt out your suppressed thoughts. Clenching your mouth shut to avoid saying anymore than you intend to, you suddenly fall forwards as your pelvis dislocates. Letting out a girly squeal, you clutch your hip in surprise as they push outwards into child-bearing proportions. “Oh my god…” you gasp, running your hands along your curves and feeling them grow wider with fat as they break free from the confines of your pants. Looking down at your broad hips, your ass starts to tingle as your skin stretches to contain the sudden influx of fat. “It… It’s getting so… biggggg” you whimper, squeezing your ass cheeks in your hands while your fingers sink into the soft flesh building up inside. Gritting your teeth, you groan as your ass slowly expands into a round bubble butt protruding out from behind using up all the space from your wide hips. You wince as your tight underwear dig into your deep ass crack and the elastic seams stretch to its limits around your pelvis.

You’re a little too tall” Matt smiles mischievously as he walks to you and brushes his hand down your back, causing sparks of pain to flare out. You scream in agony as your head flicks back and you arch your back sharply, hearing bones pop and crack as your spine remoulds itself smaller and curvier. “Hmm… that’s better” Matt grins, pulling you up as you stand a few inches shorter than him and look up with your tearful eyes. Forced to thrust your chest and ass out from your new posture, you feel your knees pop and your calves slim as your feet crunches down a few sizes with dainty toes. A warm tingle quickly flows through your body in the opposite direction as all your bodily hair disappears, leaving your skin smooth and unblemished with a creamy oriental hue.

P-please… I don’t want to be… your girlfriend” you whimper, cringing at your Japanese accent and feminine voice as your thighs start to vibrate with activity. Clutching your legs for support, you grimace as you feel your flesh shift underneath from all the fat flooding into your thighs, causing them to rapidly thicken. “Nnuughh… ooohh…” you pant, barely able to suppress your moans as your inner thighs become twice as sensitive and rub against each other. Your lower body feels much heavier than before with your round ass and juicy thighs jiggling with every step. Your eye twitches as memories of Matt’s hand caressing your thighs as you sit in the passenger seat of his car fills your head. “N-no… these aren’t mine…” you mumble, trying to subdue the influx of sexual thoughts in your hazy mind.

Get naked and dance for me” Matt chuckles, pointing at the blonde bimbo on the floor as she immediately tears off her clothes and starts to sway her hips in front of him. Biting her lower lip seductively, she steps closer towards him and starts to grope her D-cups with an inviting wink. Kissing each other on the lips, Irene grabs Matt’s hands and places them on her breasts, making him giggle happily. Her hips continue to sway rhythmically as she gazes into his eyes, wanting to please him in any way as his slave. “Give me a show” he says with a smirk as the girl smiles happily, playing with her pussy with one hand and her tits with the other.

The sound of her moaning attracts your attention as you watch her squeeze her breasts slowly and drool into her cleavage. A strange warmth radiates through your body as you feel aroused, and you look down to see your dick already erect. Your eyes constantly drift towards Irene’s breasts, making you feel horny and abnormally jealous. “Huh?! What?” you gasp as your chest starts to pulsate and your breaths quicken. Your jaw drops in horror as you glance down to see your nipples already puffy with dark and wide areolas surrounding them. “Boobs?! No… no!” you whimper, feeling your skin vibrate and stretch as fat floods under your nipples, slowly pushing them out into budding A-cups. Your cheeks blush red with arousal as your hands pinch your sensitive breasts swelling into modest C-cups within seconds. Lurching forward from the unfamiliar weight on your chest, your hands cup your soft breasts as the swelling flesh spills out of your grasp. “Urrghh… it’s… so big…” you gasp, squeezing your D-cups and feeling them jiggle as your hand slides down your cleavage. Glancing at Irene, you instinctively compare your tits to hers and smile subtly as you realize yours are bigger than hers.

Seeing you absentmindedly groping your breasts and gazing at Irene with a hint of jealousy, Matt grins mischievously as he kisses her on the lips in front of you. Intense emotions of anger and envy flood your hormonal mind as you feel the urge to push Irene away. Hesitating for a second, you try to understand your emotions, but the sound of them kissing and Matt’s handsome face makes you aroused. “Enjoy your last nut as a guy” Matt smirks at you as your blood runs cold, realizing what it meant. “Before you become my slutty Asian girlfriend” he continues, giving you a wink as your crotch immediately heats up.

F-F-Fuck… you…” you splutter, glancing down to see your dick painfully erect and throbbing as you try to control the arousal. Images of Matt kissing you and fucking you raw flashes in your hazy mind as you shake your head to get rid of it. “I… no… slutty girlfriend…”  you gasp, but your body says otherwise as your hands instinctively grip your dick and slowly start to pump up and down. Gritting your teeth, you try to suppress the urge to cum as more memories of sucking Matt’s cock and meeting his parents seep into your mind. “Me…. Me… K…K-Kim…?” you mumble unsurely as you try to remember your name and saying aloud the most familiar name in your head.

Me… no cum… no… cum…” you whimper in broken English as Japanese vocabulary floods into your mind. Shuddering with pleasure, the hands gripping your dick becomes smaller and softer while your fingers slim with long glossy nails. “Ahhh… ahhnnnn…” you groan helplessly as the sudden feminine grasp and soft touch breaks your concentration. Eyes rolling back, your feel pre-cum seep out from the tip of your cock as you slowly lose the willpower to suppress your horny urges. The changes flow up your arms, causing your wrists to narrow and your biceps to disappear into a layer of fat around your dainty arms. “Ahnn…. No…. ちょっと待って [wait a minute]” you wheeze as your broad shoulders crunch narrower into rounder and smaller feminine frame, finally fully breaking your concentration.

Unhhhhh… いく [I’m cumming]” you moan as your body spasms and cum sprays all over the living room floor. With every dollop of cum ejected from your body, a part of your old life and memories fades away and becomes replaced with a more suitable personality. The salty stench of your cum makes you stroke your dick faster for more until your balls become empty and shrivelled up. Within seconds it slurps into your crotch and reforms into a pair of fertile ovaries pumping estrogen throughout your body. “Mmpph… me… so horrrrrnyyy…” you coo, squeezing your shrinking cock until it inverts into your crotch squirts out a more transparent fluid. Breathing deeply, you stroke your flat crotch, feeling a slit open up with pink and moist folds pushing out. Fuelled with arousal, you slip a finger into your pussy and moan loudly as it rubs against your clitoris and becomes squeezed by your vaginal muscles. Juices gush out of your tight pussy and drips down your thick thighs as you let out a satisfied sigh, seeing your D-cups heaving up and down with every breath.

Glancing at Matt, anger flares up inside you as you watch Irene grind her ass against his crotch and lets him play with her tits. Walking up to them with swaying hips, you push the blonde bimbo away and shove him onto the floor, “私の彼氏と別れてください [get off my boyfriend]” you snarl at the blonde, straddling Matt between your thighs and tearing his pants off. Wanting to prove a point to his slave, you grab Matt’s dick in your hands and guide it towards your aching pussy.

W-wait… don’t make me cu---” Matt gasps but is cut short as you take to opportunity to kiss him on the lips, twirling your tongue around his. His body writhes underneath but you smile lustfully and lower yourself onto his cock, feeling your pussy lips spread open to seal his dick inside you. Letting out a moan, your body shudders too as his shaft rubs against your clitoris and pushes deeper along your vaginal walls until it rams against your womb. Already aroused from all Irene’s grinding, Matt grimaces as he tries to suppress the additional feeling of your warm pussy enveloping his throbbing cock. “D-don’t make me cuuuummmm” he squeals, but it’s too late, as you gyrate your hips and feel a hot gush of cum splatter into your pussy within a few seconds.

Fuck… Fuck…” Matt screams in a panic as you giggle at his reaction, unaware of the consequences. His dick slips out of your leaking pussy and you look down to see it replaced with a puffy slit as his hips start to crack and pop. “K-Kim… you bitch…” he groans, hearing his voice cracking higher into a feminine tone. Too confused and shocked to react, you watch his face warp into a womanlier appearance while his short hair cascades down to his lower back turning auburn and wavy. “You weren’t suppose to…” he mumbles frantically as his body contorts smaller and curvier while breasts push out of his chest. “to… to…. Fuck me… fuuuuuuck meeeee” the redhead moans lustfully as she fingers her pussy and plays with her tits.

The sounds of her moaning and Irene’s juices dripping down her legs makes you unbearably horny as you succumb to your sexual urges. “Me need… cock” you pant as the other two girls nod in agreement as you step out of the apartment in search of ways to satisfy your insatiable needs.


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