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Flat colour wip before I move on to shading. :)




Whoa... you work fast! Looking beautiful so far - Colour certainly brings it to life, and nice to see the slight blush on Ukimori. One thing that occurred to me as well is the precise gentleness of Lamashtu's touch as she slips her hand in to cub Ukimori's breast. I mean... Lamashtu's fingertips are crazy sharp, so to me, seeing them be so gentle, precise and loving is actually very powerful. :)


A lot of the times, its usually the base and inks that take me the longest to work over. x.x And glad you appreciate that bit of tenderness from an otherwise not so friendly lady ;3


*nods* Same with the rare times I draw - the initial lines take for EVER. Once I'm okay with them, colouring is the easy part. :/ And... maybe the better term for Lama is "selectively friendly". ;) She is as profoundly scary as she tender when she wants to be. ^_^