Character sheets? (Patreon)
2015-07-11 22:00:32
Want to gauge some interest on something.
This month and next month are pretty busy, due to the coming storm of Eurofurence :P
I'd like to be able to post some content here and I was wondering how people felt about character sheets? In general or in particular, as paid content?
This would be for both old/existing characters who just never got a real character sheet (for example Azriel, Zimodriel, Naia), and for brand new characters (currently have a lizard lady, komodo dragon x gila monster in the works).
For new characters in particular, would people like to have little events to vote on their design? or maybe mini-streams to iron out ideas and suggestions with users?
What are your thoughts? As always I love hearing what you have to say and to do more to increase interaction amongst all you lovelies! :)