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As many of you may know already, tomorrow I start my journey to the land of Germany for Eurofuence! I've been super busy with preparations (hence why I've been fairly quiet here), but I am really excited to see everyone there! :D

On that note, I was wondering who of you will be there? :)

I don't normally do this, but I am going to offer you, my patrons who are attending EF this year, a chance to book/save a commission slot. All you have to do, is comment below, tell me which commission(s) you want, and let me know what name you will be attending EF under (will need to be on your badge so I can confirm there that you're a patron). Also, if you're interested in a sketch, please let me know how many characters. You can pay there, and give me references and info in person. This is just to help circumnavigate the problem that happens every year, super-sponsors jump in on the early access and book out all my slots before others attendees get to grab any. This gives all of you here, a priority. ^_^

The commission types are as follows:

1. Character sketch (1-3 characters) - 40 euros per character : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/d27gj2ktzy3hajg/Tretron%20Sketch%20orig.png?dl=0

2. Monochrome Badge - 30 euros : http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6137827/

3. Dual Toned Badge - 35 euros : http://www.furaffinity.net/view/8385588/

So, please comment below if you want to grab them before they get booked out at the con! :3

The last thing I would like to mention is that, due to being so busy with con prep, I've not had time to do any planned work for Patreon as I normally would, so it -might- be that there is no paid art this month, unless of course, everyone is okay with the possibility of paying for a zip pack with 4-6 smaller pieces in it? Would everyone be alright with a pack like this? Or inversely, anyone who would object?

I am always happy to hear what you have to say :)

Thanks for everything! <3