Pride Puns: Series 2 (Patreon)
EDIT 1: New laptop finally arrived and is now set up properly and I am working away on editing files for the rewards. Adding files here over the coming days as I go, so expect some frequent updating. :3
EDIT 2: Got the last of them up! Incoming Hi-Res, wallpapers and PDF rewards! C:
Finally, after requests for more, I created a bunch of new Pride Pun mini canvases.
- HOWLmosexual - GAYtor - BIceratops - LIZbian - PANther - PolyRAMorous -
They were a hell of a lot of fun c:
Currently in Vienna awaiting a new laptop so I can finish scan clean ups and such.
Should be here in a week, so it should be on time to post more of the files and get rewards up! c: