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The new, trimmed and tweaked reward tiers are live!


I've reduced things down to 4 tiers and included the descriptions for the unlockable rewards or perks.

Note:  I'm still keeping the base prices in USD, but Patreon shows them in British Pounds for me, so the screenshot images are not reflective of your local currency.

                                            The two unlimited tiers are:

-------------   $2 Seeding Tier    ----------------------    $5 Sprout Tier   -------------

                                               The two limited tiers are:

-------------   $10 Seeding Tier    -------------------    $25 Sprout Tier   -------------

As always feel free to ask questions, or offer your thoughts! I'm always happy to discuss, and coming up soon will be a FAQ where I hope I can be sure everything is clear! :)



Draki DunkelDrache (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-06 19:41:04 Cute'n'fresh, hrhrhr, awesome work! &lt;3
2023-01-28 21:59:17 Cute'n'fresh, hrhrhr, awesome work! <3

Cute'n'fresh, hrhrhr, awesome work! <3